The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1

852 Index

Van Hogendorp, G. K., 5, 14, 194, 251–52,
514; on the conflict between “democrats”
and “aristocrats,” 514
Van Staphorst, Nicholas, 757
Vaterländische Verfassung (“national constitu-
tion”), 386
Vattel, Emer de, 46
Vaud, 29, 98, 269, 645, 664–66, 669; aristoc-
racy of, 671; patriots in, 675
Vaudois, 670, 690n7
Vaughan, Benjamin, 465, 465n26, 719, 720;
emigration of to America, 739
Velestinlis, Rhigas, 503, 620, 629, 794; execu-
tion of, 646; proposed statute of for a
Greek Republic, 633
Vendéan Rebellion, 457
Venetia, 504, 579, 584
Venetian Republic, 457
Venice, 572, 579, 581, 584, 593, 595; “demo-
crats” in, 60; Jews in, 601; the Venetian rev-
olution and the Treaty of Campo Formio,
600–603. See also Republic of Venice
Ventose laws, 553n20
Vergennes. See Gravier, Charles (Count de
Vergniaud, Pierre Victurnien, 385, 412
Verona, 489
Verri, Pietro, 79, 80, 293, 555–56
Versailles, 5, 6, 43; royal court at, 54, 66, 269,
Vicenza, 591
Vicomte de Barras, 524, 631, 534, 64, 565,
602, 615 643, 766, 776, 786
Vienna, 26, 257, 258, 389; conflict between the
monarchy of and the diets of the Haps-
burgs, 78–82; Jacobin conspiracies in, 466,
491, 496–502
View of the causes and consequences of the present
war with France (Erskine), 539
Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Wollstone-
craft), 717
Virginia, 22, 120–22; constitution of, 175
Virginia Declaration of Rights (1776), 168,
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, 616
Visconti, Francesco, 293, 611
Vlachs, 503
Voltaire, 61, 70, 74, 75; attack of on Rousseau’s
character, 99; befriending of the Genevan

Natives by, 99; involvement of in the poli-
tics of Geneva, 84, 87, 88
Volunteer Journal, 227
von Boyen, Hermann, 691
von Kaunitz, Wenzel Anton (Prince Kaunitz),
78, 79, 93, 284, 439, 442, 463
von Knigge, A. F., 88
von Laue, T. H., 12
von Loen, J. M., 62
von Matternich, Klemens, 380
von Schlözer, A. L., 186, 194–95, 302
von Sonnenfels, Joseph, 78, 80
von Steiger, N. F., 679
Vonck, J. F., 262–66, 268n53, 275; insurrec-
tionary committees of, 264; opposition of
to full sovereignty by the estates, 266; plan
of for broadening representation in the
Brabant Estates, 266
Vossler, Otto, 774
Voyage from St. Petersburg to Moscow (Radish-
chev), 479, 502
Vreede, Peter, 188, 245, 518, 521

Walckiers, Edouard de, 259, 265, 267
Waldstätten, canton of, 681
Walker, Thomas, 394, 716, 725, 731, 757
Wallacho- Moldavia, 504
Walpole, Robert, 43
War of American Independence. See American
War of the First Coalition, 298, 617
War of the Second Coalition, 642, 657, 672,
677, 681, 709, 775, 777; Austro- Russian
victories of in Italy, 782; initialization of
with the attack on the Roman Republic,
677; organization of Second Coalition
forces by the British, 782; and planning for
the overthrow of revolutionary republican-
ism, 781–83; and the problem of conserva-
tive ideology, 782; territorial designs of the
Austrians during, 645–46
Warburton, William, 43; on church and state
alliances, 49–50; on the qualifications for
government positions, 50
Ward, Thomas, 467
Wars of the French Revolution (1792–1800),
Warsaw, 309, 402, 424
Warschauer Wochenschrift, 322
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