How Not to Network a Nation. The Uneasy History of the Soviet Internet

(Ben Green) #1

294 Index

Media technologies, 205–206
Mendeleev, Dmitri, 32
Merton, Robert, 97
MESM (malaya electronicheskaya schet-
naya mashina), 126, 128
Messages, theory of, 17–18, 20
Microcomputers, 127. See also
Microeconomic modeling, 143, 145
Mikhalevich, Vladimir S., 118–119
Mikhalevsky, B., 67
Mikheev, Y. A., 118, 167
Mikheeva, R. A., 118
and command economy, 195, 198
computer innovations, 53, 83
spending, 78–79
Military-civilian divide, 89–90, 92–93,
159, 180, 214
Military networks, 7, 12, 93–94, 144
and centralized control, 172
defense and surveillance, 83–84
and EASU, 86–89
Mind-machine analogy, 18, 37–38, 53–
54, 119. See also Brain
Ministry of Communication (Svyaz’),
Ministry of Defense, 144–145, 157
Ministry of Finance, 160, 164–165, 187
Ministry of Wood and Wood Process-
ing, 62
Minitel network, 26, 197
Mir, 127
MIR-1 engineering calculation machine,
Missile defense system, 83
Mochanov, I., 119
Moore, Gordon, 99–100
Moore’s law, 99–100
Moral authority, 203
Morozov, A. A., 118
Moscow School of Mathematics, 40
Mozgopodnobyi (brainlike) networks, 119

Mutual nuclear annihilation, 95
Myasnikov, V. A., 167, 177

Nation. See State
National Aeronautics and Space Agency
(NASA), 92
National networks, 97–98
as central processors, 100
as human mind, 54–56, 119–120
and international networks, 97, 198
Navy Computational Center, 82
Negative feedback, 21
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 199
Nemchinov, Vasily, 65, 67, 69–70, 85,
97, 102, 122, 137–139, 142, 174, 217
Nervous system
OGAS as, 55, 109, 118, 120, 174–175
state as, 202
Network (set’), 9–10
Network entrepreneurs, 11, 79, 140,
145, 174
Networks, 206. See also Computer
Neural networks, 11, 18, 34, 95–96
and heterarchy, 23–24
and national computer networks,
53–54, 119–120
Nikitin, A., 118
Noise reduction, 52
Nomenklatura, 214
Novikov, N. C., 42
Novozhilov, Viktor, 67
Nuclear bombs, 25, 92, 95, 101

Odhner, Wilgott, 42
Odhner calculator factory, 84
Odobleja, Stefan, 28
OGAS (obshche-gosudarstvennaya avto-
matizirovannya sistema) project, 2,
4, 12–13, 54, 107–114, 119–124,
147–166. See also EGSVTs (edinnay
gosudarstvennaya set’ vyicheslitel’nikh
tsentrov) project
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