2020-03-01 Ivy League Enjoy English

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Extra Words & Phrases



] n.

Ź client [

] n.

Ź draft [

] n.

Ź profit [

] n.

Ź advertising [ `AdvK:tZIzIG ] n.

connections [ kJ`nEkSJns ] n.

credit [ `krEdIt ] n.

percentage [ pK`sEntIdj ] n.

Words & Phrases

  1. renew [

] vt.

The boss decided to renew my contract for

another year.

  1. committed


] a.

be committed to + N/V-ing

Jennifer is committed to being the best teacher

she can be.

  1. inform sb of...

inform [ In`fOrm ] vt.

Please inform us of any change in your prices.

  1. eager [

] a.

Rachel was eager to find out what she was

getting for her birthday.

  1. get down to business

Stop fooling around and get down to business.

  1. satisfactory [ :sAtIs`fAktJrI ] a.

The restaurant provides satisfactory food, but

their service is not so good.

  1. be in order

Please check this form to make sure that all

the information is in order.

  1. deserve [ dI`zRv ] vt.

This book deserves more attention than it has


Irene _____ our praise for doing such a great


Judy is __ to visit her uncle in Tokyo.

Please __ me __ your decision so I will

know what to do.

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