Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1

Nine-Nine. At the end of each chapter, we revisit the opening story to show
students how the principles and theories they’ve learned apply to the opening
c Critical thinking boxes on ethics, culture, and technology. From the eth-
ics of résumé “padding” to insight into how work–life balance differs across
the globe to the etiquette of Facebook friending, the boxes in Real Commu-
nication offer students the opportunity to think critically about the ways in
which communication concepts play out in a variety of situations.
c Unique features that provide personal takes on communication. In each
chapter, Real Communicator boxes highlight how real people improved
their lives by applying communication concepts. These interviews with real
people explore the countless ways in which the application of communi-
cation concepts can help our careers, from choreographer Aaron Tolson
teaching dancers of all ages and backgrounds to admissions director Vanessa
Gonzales traveling to recruit international students. And throughout the
text, What About You? self-assessments and marginal And You? questions
prompt students to build self-awareness and assess their own communica-
tion in light of research.
c Powerful study tools for student success. The Real Reference study tool
at the end of each chapter contains a focused overview of the chapter’s key
concepts and terms, linked to specific pages in the chapter. Before each Real
Reference, Things to Try activities encourage students to further explore the
concepts and principles presented in the chapter. This edition also contains
LearningCurve, which offers adaptive quizzes for each chapter, as well as
nearly three hundred videos (new full-length speeches, key term videos, and
more) that visually explain key concepts.

What’s New in the Third Edition?

Our goal for this edition was twofold: to keep Real Communication at the fore-
front of the discipline with its engaging coverage and practical theory, and to
provide powerful digital tools to make student learning more individualized and
immersive. We were pleased to invite Dorothy Imrich Mullin and Jason Tevin
to become full-fledged members of the author team. These noted scholars and
course coordinators brought their formidable expertise, writing talents, and en-
thusiasm to the table. Through numerous brainstorming sessions, we discussed
instructor and student feedback and explored our own ideas for making Real
Communication even more current, authoritative, and dynamic. These sessions
paid off. Flip through any chapter to see recent scholarship, updated and realistic
examples, and an even stronger focus on ethics, culture, and technology. Some
specific changes include the following:
c Substantial revisions in the listening and group communication chapters
to reflect changes in the field. New listening research includes interaction
management and the effects of physical appearance. The group chapters
(Chapters 9 and 10) explore Gersick’s punctuated equilibrium model, social
ostracism, group status, and leadership qualities.


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