Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1

fashion: essential concepts and models of communication, self, perception, cul-
ture, language, nonverbal communication, listening, interpersonal relationships,
interpersonal conflict, small group communication, organizational communica-
tion, public speaking, interviewing, and mass and mediated communication.
But we’ve also included topics and research relevant in today’s fast-changing
world, topics often underrepresented in competing texts: cyberbullying, orga-
nizational ethics, physical ability and public speaking, learning disabilities and
listening, culture and language, nonverbal cues, mediated communication, and
much more. And we consistently emphasize the concept of competence through-
out, encouraging students to think about their verbal and nonverbal messages
and the feedback they receive from their communication partners in the larger
relational, situational, and cultural contexts.

Real Communication is, well, real. It incorporates stories, tales, and interviews
with former communication students plus insights and examples derived from
communication scholars into each of the book’s boxes, examples, and features.
These rich materials ring true because they are true. And the book invites read-
ers in with numerous self-examination features that allow them to consider their
own experiences, evaluate their own communication skills, and integrate their
knowledge into improved, more effective behaviors.

Engaging examples—from pop culture and beyond—bring concepts to life
and connect with students’ lived experience. Today’s students are intercon-
nected as no generation has ever been. Real Communication harnesses this reality
by illuminating communication concepts through students’ shared experience
of culture through novels, film, and TV; the viral language of the Internet; the
borderless interactions of online social networking; and the influence of current
events in an age of round-the-clock news. This perspective informs the examples,
features, and overall voice with which we introduce the discipline.

Highlights connections among the different aspects of the course. On every
page, Real Communication highlights ways that the different areas of our disci-
pline support and inform one another. Along with relevant coverage in the main
text and running examples that in some cases span several chapters, marginal
connect notes throughout the book help students truly make sense of the hu-
man communication course—and the discipline. These unique callouts draw
concrete links between coverage areas in different parts of the text—for example,
explaining that understanding interpersonal conflict can lead to improved lead-
ership in a small group or that the steps students take to organize a speech can
help them organize a group meeting.

Learning tools and apparatus that help students understand, internalize, and
practice communication concepts and skills.
c Attention-grabbing opening and closing vignettes. Each chapter of Real
Communication is bookended with a topic that we think will resonate with
students, from teams at Pixar working to represent their characters’ nonver-
bal behavior, to Captain Ray Holt leading an unruly police squad in Brooklyn


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