Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1

the Bedford/St. Martin’s Video Library. In addition, three recordings of student
speeches (featuring students of varying abilities from Texas Tech and the Uni-
versity of Oklahoma) provide models for study and analysis. These professional
and student speech resources are free to qualified adopters. Please contact your
sales representative for more information.

Customize Real Communication. Add your own content or more of ours.
Qualified adopters will have the ability to create a version of Real Communication
that exactly matches their specific needs. Learn more about custom options at

First and foremost, we owe a great deal of gratitude to our families and friends
who supported us and listened to us as we worked through ideas for the book,
who made us laugh during bouts of writer’s block, and who were understand-
ing when we had to cancel plans to meet deadlines. Dan thanks his wife, Mary
John; his son, Jonathan; and his daughter and son-in-law, Erica and Anders, and
their daughter Fiona. Mary thanks her husband, John; her daughter and son-
in-law, Molly and Chad, and their children William and Jackson; and her son and
daughter-in-law, John and Andrea. Dolly thanks her husband, Charles, and their
Aussie Shepherd, Britney. Jason thanks his daughters, Magdalena and Julia, for
their constant love and support. You will always remain our litmus tests for just
how real our communication is across its many applications. In addition, we wish
to credit and thank Gus Friedrich and John Wiemann, whose contributions to
this book and our discipline are far too many to list. And, of course, we must
thank our students and graduate student teaching assistants—including Daniel
Bernard, Cory Cunningham, Kim Potts, Vanessa Gonzales, Cynthia Inda, and
Michel Haigh, among countless others—who continue to inspire us as teachers.
We’re grateful for the frank discussions that have opened our eyes to many of the
challenges of this course from your point of view, and we are grateful for your
helpful and thoughtful suggestions on examples.
We are likewise grateful to several colleagues who contributed to the first
edition of Real Communication: Marion Boyer of Kalamazoo Valley Community
College; Charee Mooney of Arizona State University; Celeste Simons of the
University of Texas at Austin; Michele Wendell-Senter of the Art Institute of
Washington; and Bobette Wolesensky of Palm Beach Community College.
We would also like to thank everyone at Macmillan Education who
helped make this book possible, including former Vice President of Edito-
rial Denise Wydra and Director of Production Sue Brown. We owe a par-
ticular debt of gratitude to our editorial colleagues: Publisher Erika Gutierrez
for her leadership and passion for education; Senior Developmental Editors
Karen Schultz Moore and Julia Bartz for their creativity, tenacity, constructive
advice, calmness, and vision to create a book that truly reaches students; Con-
tributing Editor Ann Kirby-Payne for her talent, dedication, and sense of humor
that can be felt on each page of the book; Editorial Assistant Caitlin Crandell
for her artistic eye in organizing and executing our stunning art program; Media
Editor Tom Kane for managing all of the video material with professionalism


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