Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1
I-4 Index

dialectical tensions, 196–198
autonomy versus connection, 196–197
openness versus closedness, 197–198
predictability versus novelty, 198
Diary of Anne Frank, 15
DiCaprio, Leonardo, 281
digital disparities, 549
digital entertainment executive, 384
dignity, ethical communication and, 362
Dinklage, Peter, 49–50
directed questions, 508–509
direct evidence, 47
direct fighting, 230
directive leaders, 259, 277–278
directories, to generate supporting material, 355
disclaimers, gender and, 85
discrimination, 44, 141–142
distorted perception, 39
distractor role, 260
diversity, 43
division of labor, 307
doctor-patient communication, 151, 175
Doctor Who (TV series), 536
dominating, 230
Downton Abbey (TV series), 261–262
Dr. Phil, 192
Duck Dynasty (TV series), 43, 44, 45
Dunham, Lena, 15
dyads, 28

E! (TV show), 501
EarthSky, 433
Eastwood, Clint, 453–454
economic overhaul, 367
effective listening, 157–162
career and, 158
goal accomplishment and, 159–162
opportunities created by, 159
relationships and, 159
time and money saving and, 158–159
effectiveness, of competent communication,
15, 16
Einstein, Albert, 376
Eisenberg, Eric, 307–308
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 292
either-or fallacy, 483
Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM),
elaborator role, 258
electronic media. See also Facebook; LinkedIn;
mediated communication;
Skype; social networking; Twitter;
regulation of, 539–541
Elementary (TV series), 193
Ellis, K. C., 452
elucidating explanations, 445–446
e-mail etiquette, 17, 115, 140
emblems, 102–103
emoticons, 115–116, 224
emotional expression
audience comfort with, 132
value of, 132, 134

emotion labor, 324
empathic listening, 160, 161–162, 186
empathy, intercultural communication and, 147
encoding, 10
Enterprise Facilitation model, 157
entrepreneur profile, 200
environment, communication by, 111
environmental barriers to listening, 163
equivocation, 74
eros, 186
escapist conflict style, 227–229
esteem/ego-status needs, 473–474
Estrada, Joseph, 246
ethical speaking, 359–363
accurate note taking and, 359–362
informative presentations and, 435–436
plagiarism and, 359, 360
speaking responsibly and, 362–363
ethics, 14
conflict management and, 231
contextual cues and, 24
of critical feedback, 418
group communication and, 268
group leadership and, 282
informative speaking and, 439
intercultural communication and, 145
interviewing and, 505, 511, 524
of listening, 168–170, 171
money, family, and paying bills and, 206
music piracy and, 536
nonverbal communication and, 110
persuasive speaking and, 477
plagiarism and, 359, 360
of research use, 372
résumé language and, 78
self-concept and, 49
speeches and, 360
tattoos and, 110
of using research, 372
of workplace relationships, 318
ethnocentrism, 140–141
ethos, 445, 476, 477–478
etymology, definition by, 445
euphemisms, 74
evaluating supporting material, 357–358
evaluation, fear of, as trigger for anxiety, 405
evaluative listening, 160–161
evasion, 74
events, as topic for informative presentations,
Eve Online (online game), 187
Everett, Rupert, 139
Evernote, 297, 360
Everquest II (online game), 137
example, definition by, 445
exit interviews, 503
of audience, 342
realistic, for job interviews, 520
unmet, in declining stage of a
relationship, 205–206
expert power, 275
expert testimony, 352

explanatory speeches, 445–447
elucidating explanations in, 445–446
quasi-scientific explanations in, 446–447
transformative explanations in, 447
exploratory stage of a relationship, 203
exponentiality, 535
extemporaneous speaking, 410–411
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (TV show),
111, 247
extrinsic rewards, relationships and, 193
eye behavior, 104–105, 106

Facebook, 322, 547, 548
“friending” and, 185
profile on, 517
self-esteem and, 48, 60
self-presentation and, 56
territoriality and, 111
facial expressions, 103–104
factual statements, 352
propositions of, 467, 469
ethical communication and, 363
lack of, conflict and, 218
Fallon, Jimmy, 504, 531
false dilemma fallacy, 483
famadihana, 132
Family Guy (TV series), 173, 174, 538
family relationships, 182–183
Federal Communications Commission
(FCC), 539
Federal Express, 247
feedback, 20–21
about delivery of speech, 418, 429
self-disclosure and, 57–58
expressing using language, 70–71
intercultural communication and, 142
Feherty (TV show), 502
Feherty, David, 502
feminine cultures, 130
feminists, 76–77
Ferrell, Will, 411
direct (competitive), 230
indirect, 230–231
First Amendment rights, 538–541
first impressions, 36
in job interviews, 522–523
The First Traveling Saleslady (film), 453
Firth, Colin, 429
Fistful of Dollars (film), 453
flaming, 225
flip charts, as presentation aids, 425
following up, after job interviews, 526
Food Revolution (Oliver), 465
For a Few Dollars More (film), 453
foreign languages, 75
forgiving, 235–237
forming stage of group development, 248
forms of rhetorical proof, 476–481
Foster, Jodie, 60
Four Freedoms, 367

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