Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1
Index I-5

framing, 542
Frank, Anne, 15
Frauenfelder, Mark, 226
free speech, mass media and, 538–541
friendships, 7, 184, 186
of adolescent boys, 189
on the job, 318
friendship-warmth touch, 112
Frum, David, 399
functional perspective, 4–9
affiliation and, 6
influence and control and, 7, 9
relationships and, 6–7
functional-professional touch, 112
fundamental attribution error, 40, 60
funnel sequence, 509

Galloo, Carmine, 335
Game of Thrones (TV series), 49–50, 67, 536
gatekeeper role, 259
gatekeepers, 546
Gates, Bill, 421
G-chatting, 21
conflict and, 224
friendships and, 189
group leadership and, 284
interplay between sex and, 135
justices’ rulings and, 27
language and, 85–86, 87
language use and, 82
nonverbal communication and, 114
online gaming and, 137
sexual harassment and, 328
stereotyping and, 44
Generation D, interactive advertising and, 475
Generation M, interactive advertising and, 475
generations, 134–135, 136
Generation X, 136
Generation Y, interactive advertising and, 475
Generation Z, 475
Genie, 66
geography, language and, 86
George, Prince of England, 123
George VI, King of England, 403, 429
Gerbner, George, 545
Gersick’s punctuated equilibrium group
development model, 249, 251
gestures, 101–103
Ghandi, Mahatma, 282
Giles, Howard, 4
Gilleland, Carly, 551
Ginsberg, Ruth Bader, 27
Girls (TV series), 15, 313
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Larsson), 104
Gladwell, Malcolm, 246
Glee (TV series), 30, 121, 122, 147–148
globalization, 323–324
goal achievement, 265
accomplishing through effective listening,
clarity of, group climate and, 265–266

common, in groups, 244
incompatible, conflict due to, 217
relationship formation and, 192
The Godfather (film), 283
Gonzalez, Vanessa, 127
Goodall, Bill, 307–308
Goodall, Jane, 76
goodwill, 478
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 359
Google Books Library Project, 356, 517
Google Docs, 140, 321
Googleplex, 305, 321
Gordon-Levitt, Joseph, 60
GQ Magazine, 313
grammar, 67–68
of media, 550–551
Gran Torino (film), 453
graphs, as presentation aids, 423–424
Grey’s Anatomy (TV series), 217, 218, 317
Gribben, Alan, 81
group climate, 262, 264–269
clarity of goals and, 265–266
cohesion and, 262, 264
individual differences and, 266–269
norms and, 264–265
group communication, 28, 251–258
cliques and, 253–254
group networks and, 256–258
group size and complexity and, 251–252
social loafing and, 254–256
group decision making, 285–291
forces shaping, 287–288
groupthink and, 286–287
problem-solving process and, 288–291
group development models, 247–249, 251
grouphate, 300
group leadership, 274–285
cultural variations in, 284–285
gender and, 284
leadership qualities and, 279, 281–282
in meetings, 291–298
self-assessment of, 280
shared, 277
sources of power and, 274–277
styles of, 277–279
unethical, 282–283
group membership
language and, 74
salience of, 138–319
group networks, 256–258
group roles, 258–262
antigroup, 259–260
role conflict and, 260
social, 258–259
task, 258
groups, 243–270
characteristics of, 244–245
climate and. See group climate
communication in. See group
decision making in. See group
decision making
defined, 244

development of, models of, 247–249, 251
leadership in. See group leadership
membership of. See group membership
online, communication apprehension
and, 267
performance evaluation for, 298–300
roles in. See group roles
types of, 245–247
unbalanced participation in, 267
groupthink, 215, 286–287
Gunn, Tim, 154, 278
Gyllenhall, Jake, 139

Hackman, Gene, 40
hair color, perception of, 42
Haitian earthquake (2010), 243
Hall, Edward, 108–109
Hampton, Russell, 174
hand gestures, 10
handouts, as presentation aids, 425–426
Hang ’Em High (film), 453
Hannity, Sean, 541
haptics, 111–113
harassment, 43, 78, 326–329
harmonizer role, 259
Harrington, Danielle, 269
Harris, Neil Patrick, 139
Harvard, 443
hasty generalization, 483
hateful language, 76
hatespeech, 76
Hathaway, Anne, 60
Hawthorne plant, 308
hearing, 152
hearing impairment
deaf etiquette and, 154
as listening barrier, 163–164
hedges, gender and, 85
Hell’s Kitchen (TV series), 283
The Help (Stockett), 82, 102
Henri, Rakotonarivo, 132
He’s Just Not That Into You (film), 168
Hewlett-Packard, 321
of needs, 308–309, 473–474
of points, 369–370
hierarchy, in organizational management, 307
high-context cultures, 126, 128
conflict and, 223
high language, 81
Hitler, Adolf, 283
Hofstede, Geert, 126n
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 362
homogeny, with audience, 344
homophily, 478
Honkytonk Man (film), 453
Hoosiers (film), 40
hostile audiences, 471
Howard, Ron, 60
How I Met Your Mother (TV show), 111,
139, 515
Hsieh, Tony, 305, 329
Hudson, Rock, 139

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