Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1
Index I-7

intrinsic rewards, relationships and, 193
introductions to speeches, 379–382
capturing audience’s attention with,
connecting with audience and, 382
introducing purpose and thesis in, 382
previewing main points in, 382
referencing in conclusion, 385
inverted funnel sequence, 509–510
Iron Man (film), 538
isolation, in networks, 256–258
issues, informative speaking and, 440–441
It Gets Better Project, 138

J. Edgar (film), 453
Jackson, Janet, 539
Jackson, Samuel L., 60
jargon, 74, 376
Jaws (film), 274, 275
Jeopardy! (TV show), 433
job interviews, 504, 515–524, 526
anticipating common questions for, 523–524
asking questions in, 524, 526
difficult or unethical questions in, 524
following up after, 526
job search and, 515–516
making a good first impression in, 522–523
preparing materials for, 516–520
realistic expectations for, 520
self-assessment of your interviewing
behaviors, 525
job search, 515–516
Jobs, Steve, 335, 363, 427
Jolie, Angelina, 344, 480
Julie and Julia (film), 190
Justified (TV series), 537

Kapit, Ellen, 325–326
Kardashian, Kim, 124
Karsh, Brad, 517
Keeping Up Appearances (TV series), 131
Keller, Bill, 229
Keller, Emma, 229
Kerry, Anne, 65
key-word outlines, 391
KFYR, 79
The Kids Are All Right (film), 223
kinesics, 101–103. See also body movements
King, Coretta Scott, 471
King, Gale, 184
King, Isis, 47
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 281–282
The King’s Speech (film), 403, 429
Klum, Heidi, 154
Krayer, Karl, 43
Kreamer, Anne, 42
Kuroda, Hiroki, 263
Kutcher, Ashton, 11

labeling, 76–77
labels, 65, 89
Lahiri, Mindy, 294
laissez-faire leaders, 278

language, 65–89
beliefs about, 88
biased, 77–78
code and, 75, 80
cognitive, 66–67
context and, 68
cultural context and, 83–86
defined, 66
expressing feelings using, 70–71
foreign, 75
grammar and, 67–68
hateful and hurtful, 76
high, 81
labeling and, 76–77
low, 81
meaning and, 71–75
as means of control, 69
mediated contexts and, 87, 89
online, 87, 89
politically correct, 78
profane, 79
relational context and, 82–83
for résumés, 78
as ritual, 71
sharing information using, 69–70
situational context and, 80–82
for speeches, 375–379
symbolic nature of, 66
Late Night with David Letterman (TV show),
latitude of acceptance, 471
latitude of noncommitment, 471
latitude of rejection, 471
latitudes, 471
Law and Order (TV series), 278
lay testimony, 352
laziness, 166
leadership. See also group leadership
defined, 274
leading questions, 509
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead
(Sandberg), 276
learning, about cultures, 143
LeBlanc, Justin, 154
Ledger, Heath, 60, 139
Legend of Zelda (Xbox game), 531
legitimate power, 274
Libin, Phil, 297
libraries, to generate supporting material,
library gateways, 355
Lin, Tammy, 167
Lincoln, Abraham, 439
Lincoln Lawyer (film), 478
linear communication model, 20
linguistic relativity theory, 83
LinkedIn, 517
listening, 151–174
active, 126
affective component of, 152, 153
appreciative, 160, 162
assessing your style of, 156
to audience, 166

barriers to. See listening barriers
behavioral component of, 152,
challenges to. See listening barriers
cognitive component of, 152,
competent, 38
in context, 170–174
critical (evaluative), 160–161
defensive, 168
defined, 152
effective. See effective listening
empathic, 160, 161–162, 186
informational (comprehensive), 160
insensitive, 169
intercultural communication and, 147
by interviewer and interviewee, 512
monopolistic, 170
personal preferences for, 155, 157
pretended, 170
process of, 152–155, 157
ratio of speaking to, 166
selective, 168–169
self-absorbed, 170
when you are tired of it, 171
listening apprehension, 167, 169
listening barriers, 162–166, 168
attitudes about listening as, 167, 169
boredom and overexcitement as,
environmental, 163
hearing and processing, 163–164
multitasking as, 164, 165
listening contexts, 170–174
cultural, 172–174
relational and situational, 171–172
technology, 174
listening fidelity, 155
literature searches, to generate supporting
material, 355
The Lizzie Bennet Diaries (Web series), 531
loaded questions, 509
Local Technic, 324
logical fallacies, 482–485
logos, 445, 476, 479–480
Lohan, Lindsay, 60
The Lord of the Rings (Tolkien), 182
Lorre, Chuck, 11
love-intimacy touch, 112, 186
low-context cultures, 128
conflict and, 223
low culture, media content and, 535
low language, 81
Lucas, Billy, 138
ludus, 186
Ludwig, Chad, 384
Lynch, Jane, 121

Machiavelli, Niccolò, 283
Machiavellianism, 283
MacKenzie, Jack, 250
Maddow, Rachel, 541
Mai, Mukhtar, 78

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