Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1
I-10 Index

persuasive speaking (continued)
sample, 489–494
strategies for, 476–485
subjectivity in, 435
topic and thesis development for, 467,
persuasive speeches, 338–339
phenomena, as topic for informative
presentations, 438
Phoenix, Joaquin, 13
phonological rules, 67
photographer profile, 551
phrase outlines, 390–391
physical appearance, nonverbal
communication by, 107–108
physical attractiveness, worldviews about,
physician profile, 167
physiological/survival needs, 473
pie charts, 424
Pilkington, Alexis, 227
pitch, 105
Pitch Perfect (film), 269
places, as topic for informative presentations,
plagiarism, 359, 360
plans, informative speaking and, 441
Pluralists, 136
police officer profile, 236
policies. See also sexual harassment policies
informative speaking and, 441
policy, propositions of, 469–470
politically correct language, 78
Pollett, Mary Parker, 308
polychronic cultures, 132
Pop Idol (TV show), 538
posters, as presentation aids, 424–425
coercive, 274–275
expert, 275
legitimate, 274
referent, 275
reward, 275
sources of, 274–277
power distance, 131
group leadership and, 284–285
power dynamics, conflict and, 219
for delivering speeches, 427–429
presentation aid use, 427–428
skills for intercultural communication,
pragma, 186
pragmatics, 72
precontemplation stage in stages of change
model, 472
predictability, in interpersonal relationships, 198
predictions, inaccurate, conflict and, 217
prejudice, 44–45
preparation, for job interviews, 516–520
preparation outlines, 391, 393–397
for interviews, 512
for public speaking anxiety, 407

preparation stage in stages of change model, 472
presentation aids, 421–427
flip charts and whiteboards as, 425
function of, 422
graphs and charts as, 423–424
handouts as, 425–426
for informative speaking, 454
media clips and images as, 423
models as, 423
posters and transparencies as, 424–425
practicing use of, 427–428
presentation software as, 426–427
props as, 422, 423
The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs (Gallo), 335
presentations. See public speaking; speeches
presentation software, 426–427
previewing, main points of speech, 382
primacy-recency effect, 371, 379
primary groups, 245
primary questions, 160, 507
Principia Ethica (Moore), 485
prior knowledge, building on, 452–453
privacy, communication privacy management
theory and, 199–201
problem-solution pattern
for persuasive speaking, 485–486
for speeches, 371
problem-solving groups, 245
problem-solving interviews, 502–503
problem-solving process, 288–291
in competent communication, 13
informative speaking and, 440
productive conflict, 215–216
profanity, 79
programming languages, 75
Project Runway (TV show), 154, 278
Pronto Market, 311–312
propositions of fact, 467, 469
propositions of policy, 469–470
propositions of value, 469
props, as presentation aids, 422, 423
protégés, 315–316
provocation, conflict and, 218
proxemics, 108–110
proximity, relationship formation and,
pseudolistening, 170
psychographics, of audience, 342–344
psychological forces, shaping group decision
making, 287
public-private dimension, of situational
context, 117
public speaking, 30. See also speeches
defined, 336
importance of, 336
public speaking anxiety, 404–408
building confidence and, 405,
identifying triggers for, 404–405
self-assessment of, 406
treatment of, 408
punctuated equilibrium process, 249, 251

purpose of speech
introducing, 382
reinforcing in conclusion, 383

quasi-scientific explanations, 446–447
questioning techniques, 160
anticipating for job interviews, 523–524
asking in job interviews, 524, 526
for audience analysis, 346
bipolar, 506
capturing audience’s attention with, 381
closed, 506
in conclusion of speech, 385
construction of, 507–508
difficult or unethical, in job
interviews, 524
directed, 508–509
for interviews, 505–510
language and, 69
leading, 509
loaded, 509
neutral, 509
open, 506
primary, 507
primary and secondary, 160
secondary, 507
sequence of, in interviews, 509–510
Quinto, Zachary, 103
capturing audience’s attention with, 380–381
in conclusion of speech, 384
as sources, 354

The Rachel Ray Show (TV show), 442–443
Radcliffe, Daniel, 35, 60, 61
Reagan, Ronald, 27, 380
reasoning, 479
recalling information, 154
receiver, 20
receiver apprehension, 167, 169
receptive audiences, 471
recognition seeker role, 259–260
reconciliation, 234–237
apology and, 234–235
forgiveness, 235–237
reconciliation stage of a relationship,
Redding, Savana, 27
redefinition stage of mentor-protégé
relationship, 316
red herring fallacy, 482
reduction to the absurd, 482
referent power, 275
refutational organizational pattern, for
persuasive speaking, 486–487
regional accents, 415
regulation, conversational, by nonverbal
behavior, 98
regulators, 103
rehearsal, 427
for public speaking anxiety, 407
reinforcing, language and, 70

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