Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1
I-12 Index

Smart, Elizabeth, 353
smart mobs, 246
Smith, Maggie, 60
Smith, Randy, 263
The Smurfs (film), 111
social capital, 547–548
social cognitive theory, 544
social comparison theory, 47–48
social exchange theory, 193, 195
social forces, shaping group decision
making, 288
social groups, 245
social identity, 137
social identity theory, 136–139
social information processing theory (SIP), 187
social judgment theory, 470–473
social loafing, 254–256
social needs, relationship formation and, 191
social networking. See also Facebook;
LinkedIn; MySpace; Skype; Twitter
smart mobs and, 246
territoriality and, 111
social ostracism, 253–254
social penetration theory (SPT), 57, 199
social-polite touch, 112
social relationships, 184, 186
social roles, in groups, 258–259
citing, 359–362, 387–388
oral citations of, 393
spatial pattern, for speeches, 371
speaking outlines, 391, 393–394, 397–398, 427
special-occasion speeches, 339–340
specific purpose statements, 350
“Speech at the Vienna Forum” (Martin),
speeches. See also public speaking
anxiety about. See public speaking anxiety
audience analysis for. See audience analysis
conclusions for, 383–385
definitional, 444–445
demonstration, 442–444
descriptive, 442
ethics and. See ethical speaking
explanatory, 445–447
informative, 337–338
introductions for, 379–382
language for, 375–379
organization of. See speech organization
outlining, 396–398
persuasive, 338–339
presentation aids for. See presentation aids
researching topic for. See researching
speech topics
special-occasion, 339–340
topics for. See speech topics; topic selection
visual aids for, 386
speech organization
arranging points for, 370–373
connecting points for, 373–375
identifying main points and, 368–369
for informative speaking, 449–450
supporting main points and, 369–370

speech repertoires, 80
speech topics
generating interest in, 447–448
for informative presentations, 436–441
for informative speeches, 447–449
making relevant, 448–449
for persuasive speaking, developing, 467,
reinforcing in conclusion, 383
selection. See topic selection
speed dating, 36
Spencer, Octavia, 82, 102
spokesperson profile, 484
sports manager profile, 347
Springs, Kibibi, 312
stable stage of a relationship, 203–204
stages of change model, 472
Stalin, Joseph, 66–67
Star Trek (TV series), 103, 547
Star Wars (film), 547
statements, in conclusion of speech, 385
State of the Union address, 367, 399
statistics, 352
communication apprehension and, 267
in groups, 360–363
stereotyping, 44
stimulation, relationship formation and, 192
Stockett, Kathryn, 82, 102
stonewalling, workplace conflict and, 319–320
storge, 186
capturing audience’s attention with, 380
in conclusion of speech, 385
organizational storytelling and, 310–312
storming stage of group development, 248
strategic topic avoidance, 201
studio manager profile, 551
study groups, 245
Stuppy, John J., 323
subjectivity, in persuasive speaking, 435
subpoints. See also speech organization
defined, 369
sudden death, 207
Suits (TV series), 383
supervisor-supervisee relationships, 314–315
support groups, 245
supporting material
evaluating, 357–358
for informative speaking, 453–454
researching. See researching supporting
supportive communication climates, 83
conflict and, 221–222
supportive leaders, 259, 278
Supreme Court justices, rulings of, gender and, 27
SurfControl, 322
surprise, capturing audience’s attention with,
surveillance, in workplace, 323
surveys, to generate supporting material, 354
Survivor (TV show), 247
swearing, 79

syllogisms, 479–480
Sylvester, Sue, 121
symbols, 9
for outlining, 387
words as, 66
synonym, definition by, 445
syntactic rules, 67–68
systems approach, 309–310

Tactical Iraqi (virtual reality game), 116
Tadikonda, Ramya, 323
tag questions, gender and, 85
taking conflict personally (TCP), 220
talking. See language
task roles
in groups, 258
interviews and, 504
tattoos, 110
Team Rubicon, 243, 269–270
teams, 245
technology. See also mediated
communication; mediated contexts
avatars and, 59
competent communication and, 18
in organizations, 320–323
peer instruction and, 443
self and perceptions and, 58–60
technology listening context, 174
TED conference, 465, 495
Teen Mom (TV series), 537
telecommuting, 321
termination rituals, 249
termination stage of a relationship, 207, 208
territoriality, 110–111
text messaging, 115
Tham, Kenneth, 323
thesis statements, 350–351
for persuasive speaking, developing, 467,
of speech, introducing, 382
third person effect, 544
Thompson, Keenan, 60
3M, 247
Timberlake, Justin, 538
for meetings, managing, 294
saving with effective listening, 158–159
timeliness, of sources, 358
time orientation, 113
cultural, 131–132
time-oriented listeners, 157
A Time to Kill (film), 102
Tolson, Aaron, 295
tone, 105
Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon (TV show), 531
Toontown (video game), 384
topical pattern, for speeches, 371
topic selection, 347–351
brainstorming and clustering for, 348–349
interest in topic and, 348
narrowing the topic and, 349–350
purpose of speech and, 350
thesis statement and, 350–351

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