Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1
Index I-13

communication by, 111–113
culture and, 114
Toy Story (film), 538
Trader Joe’s, 310–313
transactional process, communication as,
11–12, 21
transformative explanations, 447
transformative leaders, 281
transitions, between points, 373–374
transparencies, as presentation aids, 424–425
Trethewey, Angela, 308
trial attorney profile, 508
trolling, 225
trolls, 259–260
True Blood (TV series), 483
trustworthiness, ethical communication and,
Truth, Sojourner, 377–379
Tuckman’s group development model,
Tufte, Edward, 386
tunnel sequence, 510
Turay, Lisa M., 52
Turk, Vicky, 8
turning points, 202
TutorVista, 323
Twain, Mark, 81
Tweeters, 475
Twelve Angry Men (film), 540
24 (TV series), 536
Twilight (TV series), 195, 483
Twitter, 55–56, 124, 548
“Twitter Revolutions,” 246
Two and a Half Men (TV series), 11, 12
typecasting, 60–61
Tyson, Neil deGrasse, 433, 434, 461

unbalanced costs and rewards, conflict and, 218
uncertain communication climates, conflict
and, 221
uncertainty avoidance, 129–130
uncertainty events, in declining stage of a
relationship, 205
uncertainty reduction theory, 195
Undercover Boss (TV series), 158
understanding, 153–154
understatement, 132, 134, 172
undue influence, 39

unethical leadership, 282–283
unintentional communication, 11
unmet expectations, in declining stage of a
relationship, 205–206
unproductive conflict, 214–215
Up (film), 93, 117–118
user-generated content, 548
uses and gratifications perspective, 542–543

communicative, 12
of emotional expression, 132, 134
propositions of, 469
values, cultural, assessment of, 133
Valvano, Jim, 339–340
Vampire Weekend, 245
verbal aggressiveness, 230
verbal messages
contradiction by nonverbal communica-
tion, 97–98
reinforcement by nonverbal behavior, 97
substitution of nonverbal communication
for, 97
Veronica Mars (film), 547
vice president of client services for financial
services industry profile, 452
vics, 262
videographer profile, 551
Vihjalmsson, Hannes, 116
virtual meetings, 297
virtual reality therapy (VRT), for public
speaking anxiety, 408
visionary leaders, 281
visual aids, for speeches, 386
visualization, in motivated sequence pattern,
visualizing success, for public speaking
anxiety, 407
vivid language, for speeches, 377
vocalizations, 107
voice, nonverbal communication by, 105, 107
Volkow, Nora, 165
volume, of voice, 105

Wales, Jim, 225
The Walking Dead (TV series), 220, 221
Walk the Line (film), 13
Wallace, John, 81
WALL-E (film), 93, 117

Warhol, Andy, 548
War on Terror, 367
Washington, Denzel, 60
Way, Niobe, 189
weight, worldviews about, 123–124
Western Digital, Electronics Industry
Citizenship Coalition (EICC), 324
Western Electric, 308
What Not to Wear (TV show), 107
wheel networks, 257–258
whiteboards, as presentation aids, 425
Wilder, Gene, 306
Williams, Brian, 409
Williams, Joan C., 276
Williams, Robin, 60
Winfrey, Oprah, 184
Winston, Chriss, 367, 399
withholding, language and, 70
Wizards of Waverly Place (TV show), 102
woman religious profile, 52
women’s wellness counselor profile, 52
Wood, Jacob, 243
word choice, in persuasive speaking, 481
words. See also language
connotative meanings of, 72, 444
denotative meanings of, 72
working outlines, 391, 393–397, 407
work-life balance, 324–326
self-assessment of, 327
civil language in, 79
conflict in, 319–320
intimacy in, 317, 318
surveillance in, 323
World of Warcraft (online game), 187
worldview, 122–124. See also culture

The X-Files (TV series), 536

Yahoo, 321
yielding, 228–229
Ylvis, 548
YouTube, 548

Zakaria, Fareed, 359, 305, 306, 321, 329–330
Zuckerberg, Mark, 75

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