B8| Saturday/Sunday, March 21 - 22, 2020 **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Contract Open
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest
Copper-High(CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb.
March 2.1620 2.2410 2.1200 2.1905–0.0095 1,429
May 2.1485 2.2365 2.0930 2.1715–0.0140 104,984
Gold(CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz.
March 1483.50 1483.50 1483.50 1484.00 5.40 275
April 1471.60 1519.40 1457.50 1484.60 5.30 214,763
June 1474.70 1522.50 1460.90 1488.10 5.80 225,803
Aug 1466.30 1525.40 1465.00 1491.20 6.10 46,564
Oct 1491.40 1524.00 1491.40 1493.30 6.00 11,749
Dec 1468.00 1530.00 1468.00 1495.10 5.70 35,693
Palladium(NYM)- 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz.
March ... ... ... 1570.30 10.80 10
June 1526.60 1624.90 1463.00 1540.20 10.80 7,835
Sept 1540.20 1589.40 1478.50 1531.60 11.40 585
Platinum(NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz.
March ... ... ... 621.60 25.70 2
July 590.70 640.00 588.60 623.40 26.30 33,993
Silver(CMX)-5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz.
March 12.080 12.860 12.080 12.349 0.252 204
May 12.125 13.095 12.005 12.385 0.251 100,055
Crude Oil, Light Sweet(NYM)-1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl.
April 24.73 27.89 t 19.46 22.43 –2.79 18,004
May 25.59 28.49 22.39 22.63 –3.28 529,246
June 26.61 29.46 24.13 24.36 –2.43 270,527
July 27.85 30.65 25.70 25.93 –2.03 158,722
Sept 29.74 32.55 27.83 28.02 –1.88 125,008
Dec 31.79 34.45 30.00 30.16 –1.76 212,583
NY Harbor ULSD(NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal.
April 1.0414 1.1120 1.0010 1.0063–.0354 38,328
May 1.0481 1.1184 1.0090 1.0139–.0336 84,166
Gasoline-NY RBOB(NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal.
April .6850 .7499 t .6010 .6054–.0796 50,767
May .6854 .7615 t .6233 .6281–.0651 102,593
Natural Gas(NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu.
April 1.647 1.700 1.574 1.604 –.050 88,777
May 1.723 1.772 1.646 1.675 –.051 346,358
June 1.821 1.872 1.741 1.765 –.056 90,062
July 1.926 1.984 1.859 1.877 –.060 110,707
Sept 2.017 2.067 1.943 1.957 –.064 105,530
Oct 2.085 2.131 2.011 2.025 –.060 103,212
Corn(CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
May 346.50 356.75 342.25 343.75 –1.75 498,392
July 351.50 360.75 348.50 349.50 –1.50 376,963
Oats(CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
May 262.25 268.00 260.75 262.00 .75 2,537
July 263.25 267.00 261.25 261.75 .25 752
Soybeans(CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
May 845.75 864.75 845.50 862.50 19.25 286,518
July 848.75 867.00 848.75 864.75 16.75 176,075
Soybean Meal(CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton.
May 315.70 326.60s 313.60 325.20 10.40 162,130
July 306.50 317.00s 305.30 314.40 8.40 88,549
Soybean Oil(CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
May 25.76 26.26 25.41 25.64 .16 164,499
July 26.15 26.59 25.73 25.94 .13 108,827
Rough Rice(CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt.
May 1400.50 1401.50 1323.00 1328.50–63.50 8,274
July 1383.50 1383.50 t1322.50 1323.50 50.50 1,080
Wheat(CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
May 534.50 547.00 533.00 539.25 4.25 147,939
July 532.00 542.25 530.75 535.75 3.25 97,951
Wheat(KC)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
May 466.00 477.25 464.75 469.00 3.50 106,414
July 471.00 480.50 468.75 472.50 3.00 65,556
Cattle-Feeder(CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
March 119.500 123.825 118.525 120.725 3.650 1,945
May 116.000 119.675 115.300 118.250 5.225 14,684
Cattle-Live(CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
April 99.600 99.600 97.100 98.650 3.550 42,349
June 91.950 92.525 88.125 89.525 .600 123,558
Futures Contracts Open High hiloContractLow Settle Chg interestOpen Open High hiloContractLow Settle Chg interestOpen Open High hiloContractLow Settle Chg interestOpen
Hogs-Lean(CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
April 62.750 63.850 61.450 61.575 .425 33,086
June 69.525 71.075 67.675 67.950–1.200 78,753
Lumber(CME)-110,000 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft.
May 325.90 335.40 319.00 322.30 2.50 1,539
July 333.50 342.70 325.60 327.30 –.10 669
Milk(CME)-200,000 lbs., cents per lb.
March 16.29 16.29 16.26 16.26 –.01 2,892
June 15.43 15.58 15.32 15.52 .20 2,970
Cocoa(ICE-US)-10 metric tons; $ per ton.
May 2,241 2,271 t 2,183 2,230 14 72,327
July 2,255 2,277 t 2,201 2,231 2 52,854
Coffee(ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb.
May 114.00 120.05 114.00 119.70 7.00 75,696
July 114.40 120.00 114.40 119.75 6.30 48,543
Sugar-World(ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
May 10.85 11.19 10.82 10.91 .32 326,324
July 10.78 11.13 10.78 10.83 .29 260,276
Sugar-Domestic(ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
May 27.00 27.00 26.80 26.80 –.05 453
July 26.90 26.90 26.90 26.90 –.05 2,616
Cotton(ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
May 55.32 56.35 t 53.20 53.68 –1.25 92,157
Dec 56.64 57.28 t 54.62 55.03 –1.07 49,981
Orange Juice(ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
May 99.75 106.10s 99.55 105.55 6.55 10,616
July 101.00 106.10 100.95 105.60 5.65 2,735
Ultra Treasury Bonds(CBT)- $100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
March 208-000 208-000 206-000 210-210 8-06.0 51
June 202-090 216-010 201-250 211-070 7-06.01,106,178
Treasury Bonds(CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
March 190-000 200-000 174-000 177-100 4-20.0 1,140
June 172-010 178-010 171-230 175-310 3-11.01,132,656
Treasury Notes(CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
March 136-110 136-160 135-100 136-160 1-06.0 275
June 134-300 137-145 134-220 136-235 1-16.53,527,388
5 Yr. Treasury Notes(CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
March 123-127 124-082 123-100 124-002 22.2 18,902
June 123-282 125-020 123-265 124-245 22.54,219,717
2 Yr. Treasury Notes(CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100%
March 109-227 109-316 109-211 109-290 3.7 46,471
June 110-009 110-070 109-316 110-040 2.23,109,181
30 Day Federal Funds(CBT)-$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg.
March 99.3075 99.3300 99.3000 99.3250 .0225 249,847
April 99.8550 99.8950 99.8500 99.8900 .0300 312,986
10 Yr. Del. Int. Rate Swaps(CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
June 103-140 104-225 102-290 104-085 1-24.5 59,709
Eurodollar(CME)-$1,000,000; pts of 100%
April 98.9575 99.1925 98.9200 99.1400 .1300 452,514
June 99.3250 99.5100 99.3050 99.4550 .10501,627,100
Sept 99.5200 99.6500 99.5050 99.6050 .07501,372,683
Dec 99.4950 99.6300 99.4900 99.5900 .08001,107,675
Japanese Yen(CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥
April .9034 .9160 .8991 .9012–.0047 919
June .9063 .9188 .9008 .9036–.0057 115,240
Canadian Dollar(CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD
April .6950 .7062 .6888 .6930 .0037 1,386
June .6900 .7071 .6883 .6933 .0036 116,236
British Pound(CME)-£62,500; $ per £
April 1.1485 1.1931 t 1.1435 1.1574 .0030 1,628
June 1.1500 1.1952 t 1.1438 1.1587 .0025 172,784
Swiss Franc(CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF
June 1.0175 1.0309 t 1.0144 1.0153–.0038 32,539
Sept 1.0232 1.0351 t 1.0194 1.0193–.0040 87
Australian Dollar(CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD
April .5722 .5982 .5676 .5805 .0025 832
June .5739 .5987 .5667 .5805 .0024 142,709
Mexican Peso(CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN
April .04142 .04232 .04062 .04109.00024 51
June .04114 .04208 .04015 .04070.00023 114,806
Euro(CME)-€125,000; $ per €
April 1.0667 1.0844 t 1.0648 1.0664–.0021 1,574
June 1.0714 1.0872 t 1.0675 1.0692–.0028 572,292
Mini DJ Industrial Average(CBT)-$5 x index
March 19712 20999 19543 20256 253 21,118
June 19583 20882 18825 19040 –835 54,418
S&P 500 Index(CME)-$250 x index
June 2348.00 2498.40 t2260.70 2288.50–100.60 6,008
Sept ...... ...2280.00–99.40 11
Mini S&P 500(CME)-$50 x index
March 2364.25 2512.75 2346.25 2437.98 ...1,241,170
June 2351.00 2499.00 t2260.00 2288.50–100.503,299,307
Mini S&P Midcap 400(CME)-$100 x index
March 1291.80 1362.50 1281.00 1328.70 11.70 8,083
June 1282.70 1366.10 1230.60 1251.50–54.40 81,961
Mini Nasdaq 100(CME)-$20 x index
March 7195.00 7649.00 7153.50 7417.98124.48 94,114
June 7177.00 7629.00 6891.00 6969.00–304.50 199,555
Mini Russell 2000(CME)-$50 x index
March 1033.30 1101.90 1017.50 1069.24 21.14 71,311
June 1025.50 1093.60 994.20 1015.90–23.90 538,302
Sept 1105.00 1075.00 994.40 1010.90–25.10 12
Mini Russell 1000(CME)-$50 x index
March 1298.20 1328.00 1316.50 1331.88 15.68 2,381
June 1320.00 1326.40 t1250.70 1261.50–56.00 8,723
U.S. Dollar Index(ICE-US)-$1,000 x index
June 103.78 103.83s 101.91 103.50 –.10 28,449
Sept 103.63 103.67 102.50 103.58 –.20 557
Source: FactSet
Global Government Bonds: Mapping Yields
Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds in
selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session
Country/ Yield (%) Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis points
Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l)-2-101234Previous Month ago Year ago Latest Prev Year ago
1.125 U.S. 2 0.372t l 0.483 1.391 2.400
1.500 10 0.949t l 1.158 1.519 2.525
2.000 Australia (^2) 0.270t l 0.330 0.715 1.555 -10.1 -15.2 -84.6
2.500 10 1.150t l 1.490 0.998 1.948 20.1 33.2 -57.7
0.000 France 2 -0.488t l -0.414 -0.614 -0.455 -85.9 -89.7 -285.5
0.000 10 0.101t l 0.257 -0.217 0.455 -84.8 -90.1 -207.0
0.000 Germany 2 -0.678s l -0.679 -0.650 -0.538 -105.0 -116.2 -293.8
0.000 10 -0.321t l -0.192 -0.444 0.086-126.9 -135.0 -244.0
1.200 Italy 2 0.518t l 0.753 -0.212 0.416 14.6 27.0 -198.4
1.350 10 1.622t l 1.796 0.909 2.518 67.3 63.9 -0.7
0.100 Japan 2 -0.140 l -0.140 -0.150 -0.160 -51.1 -62.2 -256.1
0.100 10 0.091 l 0.091 -0.039 -0.035 -85.8 -106.7 -256.0
0.050 Spain (^2) -0.150t l -0.127 -0.449 -0.253 -52.2 -60.9 -265.3
0.500 10 0.728t l 0.892 0.230 1.157 -22.1 -26.5 -136.9
0.500 U.K. 2 0.130s l 0.124 0.518 0.742 -24.2 -35.9 -165.8
4.750 10 0.563t l 0.721 0.581 1.158 -38.6 -43.7 -136.7
Source: Tullett Prebon
Corporate Debt
Price moves by a company's debt in the credit markets sometimes mirror and sometimes anticipate, moves in
that same company’s share price.
Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most...
Spread, in basis points Stock Performance
Issuer SymbolCoupon (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week Close ($) % chg
Energy TransferOperating ETP 5.800 June 15, ’38 686 –423 518 ... ...
Enterprise Products Operating... 3.700 Feb. 15, ’26 450 –339 249 ... ...
WestpacBanking WSTP 2.500 June 28, ’22 237 –208 161 ... ...
JPMorganChase JPM 5.150 May 1, ’49 484 –192 376 83.50 –2.11
Swiss Re Finance LuxembourgSRENVX 5.000 April 2, ’49 317 –190 267 ... ...
Apache APA 4.750 April 15, ’43 856 –131 697 4.83 –2.42
DNB Bank ASA DNBNO 6.500 March 26, ’49 1385 –116 586 ... ...
Citigroup C 2.700 Oct. 27, ’22 354 –115 275 38.06 –3.99
...And spreads that widened the most
MPLX MPLX 4.500 July 15, ’23 1500 549 447 11.73 3.08
Service PropertiesTrust SVC 4.500 June 15, ’23 1488 443 n.a. 5.13 –18.31
Boeing BA 3.100 May 1, ’26 840 275 330 95.01 –2.76
Wells Fargo WFC 3.069 Jan. 24, ’23 651 241 193 26.50 –6.33
General Motors GM 5.000 Oct. 1, ’28 832 229 415 18.14 2.43
Celanese US Holdings ... 3.500 May 8, ’24 576 225 280 ... ...
AmericanInternational AIG 3.750 July 10, ’25 584 180 n.a. 19.23 –6.65
High-yield issues with the biggest price increases...
Bond Price as % of face value Stock Performance
Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week Close ($) % chg
Safeway SWY 7.450 Sept. 15, ’27 89.968 19.77 n.a. ... ...
Banco Santander SANTAN 7.500 Feb. 8, ’49 76.000 11.03 96.000 ... ...
SuburbanPropane Partners SPH 5.875 March 1, ’27 80.250 10.38 92.170 11.54 8.46
IHO VerwaltungsGmbH SHAEFF 6.375 May 15, ’29 80.000 7.06 94.387 ... ...
TupperwareBrands TUP 4.750 June 1, ’21 64.020 6.79 56.000 1.62 –12.43
Xerox XRXCRP 6.750 Dec. 15, ’39 77.480 6.70 96.000 ... ...
ING Groep INTNED 6.750 April 16, ’49 79.500 6.50 96.000 ... ...
Rowan Companies ... 7.375 June 15, ’25 21.500 6.50 n.a. ... ...
...And with the biggest price decreases
L Brands LB 5.250 Feb. 1, ’28 59.577 –14.42 86.750 9.78 –8.94
Liberty Media ... 8.250 Feb. 1, ’30 61.000 –13.00 90.350 ... ...
J. C. Penney JCP 5.875 July 1, ’23 50.000 –12.00 77.375 0.45 –10.29
MEDNAX MD 6.250 Jan. 15, ’27 73.875 –9.63 89.500 9.40 7.18
Jaguar Land Rover AutomotiveTTMTIN 4.500 Oct. 1, ’27 50.000 –9.06 n.a. ... ...
SpringleafFinance AMGFIN 6.625 Jan. 15, ’28 82.038 –8.71 101.000 ... ...
Science Applications InternationalSAIC 4.875 April 1, ’28 85.000 –8.00 99.500 52.32 –6.60
Estimated spread over 2-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year or 30-year hot-run Treasury; 100 basis points=one percentage pt.; change in spread shown is for Z-spread.
Note: Data are for the most active issue of bonds with maturities of two years or more
Sources: MarketAxess Corporate BondTicker; Dow Jones Market Data
52-Wk %
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg
BiglariA BH.A260.38 -2.9
BlackKnight BKI 50.93 -8.2
BlockHR HRB 12.76-11.3
BlueRidgeBkshsBRBS 15.26 0.3
BoiseCascade BCC 20.61-10.1
BorqsTechs BRQS 1.05-19.2
BostonProps BXP 80.63 -4.2
BowlAmerica BWL.A 9.69 -0.5
BrandywineRealtyBDN 8.04 -8.1
Braskem BAK 4.50 -6.4
BrightScholarEducBEDU 5.57 -1.9
BritishAmTob BTI 29.69 -6.0
BroadridgeFinlBR 89.81 -2.9
CB FinSvcs CBFV 17.82 4.3
CBIZ CBZ 16.85 -5.5
CHP Merger CHPMU 9.07 -1.6
CHP Merger CHPM 9.40 -1.1
CIIG Merger CIIC 9.40 0.4
CITICCapAcqnCCAC 9.14 -0.3
CMS Energy CMS 48.62-12.3
CTS CTS 18.12 -3.6
CVD EquipmentCVV 2.27-12.7
Cabot CBT 20.00 -7.0
CambridgeBncpCATC 47.21 -6.2
CamdenPropertyCPT 69.37 -8.5
Carlisle CSL 102.10-12.4
CarpenterTechCRS 14.70 -9.1
Cars.com CARS 3.95-14.3
CarterBk&Tr CARE 6.85-22.5
cbdMD PfdA YCBDpA 2.77-51.4
Cemex CX 1.72 -7.0
CentraisElBrasEBR 3.29 -1.4
CentralPacFin CPF 12.74-11.7
ChangeHlthcrUnCHNGU30.71 -6.1
ChesapeakeUtilCPK 79.19 -8.1
ChicagoRivet CVR 20.12 -4.7
ChinaFinance JRJC 4.04 -3.5
ChinaXiangFoodPLIN 1.22-12.7
ChurchillCapCorp.IIWtCCX.WS 0.93-33.9
Cimpress CMPR 51.00-11.5
CincinnatiFin CINF 73.08 -8.4
CtznCmntyBcpCZWI 6.01 7.8
Civeo CVEO 0.40-13.0
Clarus CLAR 7.88 -0.2
ClearSignTechCLIR 0.35 -5.6
Coca-Cola KO 37.51 -8.4
Coca-Cola FemsaKOF 40.46 -5.9
CodorusValleyBncpCVLY 14.19 -0.9
Cohen&SteersCNS 35.91 -2.3
ColgatePalm CL 61.39 -6.9
CollierCreek CCH.U 9.46 -1.8
ColonyCapPfdGCLNYpG11.80 -8.2
ColonyCredRlEstCLNC 2.61 -3.8
52-Wk %
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg
AmRvrBksh AMRB 8.25 -7.2
AmerWaterWorksAWK 98.25-12.5
Ampco-Pitt AP 1.94-10.6
AmplitudeHlthWtAMHCW 0.55 -7.1
AnchianoTherapANCN 0.51 4.3
AnnovisBio ANVS 2.50 5.3
Anthem ANTM185.69 -4.6
ApartmtInv AIV 27.83 -9.2
ArchCapital ACGL 25.55 -4.0
ArcherDanielsADM 30.43 -8.5
ArconicPfd ARNCp77.54 -8.9
Arconic ARNC13.00-16.4
AresMgmt ARES22.09-10.5
ArteloBiosci ARTL 0.61 16.4
AspenTech AZPN75.00-11.0
AssetMarkFinAMK 15.35-12.8
AssocCapital AC 26.34-16.4
Astronics ATRO 7.14-27.4
AstroNova ALOT 5.29-19.9
Atento ATTO 1.00-18.5
AtlCapitalBcshsACBI 9.40-11.3
AtmosEnergy ATO 85.56-12.5
Autohome ATHM63.01 -6.1
AutoWeb AUTO 0.91-20.7
AutoZone AZO 720.88-12.0
Avalonbay AVB 128.58-10.2
AveryDennisonAVY 88.01-11.9
AvidBioservicesCDMO 3.11 -7.1
Avista AVA 35.16-22.3
BBQ HoldingsBBQ 1.81-24.2
BK Tech BKTI 1.46-10.8
BOK Fin BOKF36.78 -6.6
BadgerMeter BMI 44.20 -9.4
BancFst pf BANFP26.25 -0.2
BancoBradescoBBDO 3.37 -4.4
BcoSantMex BSMX 2.86 -5.0
BanColombia CIB 18.19 -0.1
Bancorp34 BCTF 9.12 4.3
BankofButterfieldNTB 14.45-12.1
BankofCommerceBOCH 6.08 -9.1
BankofHawaiiBOH 53.74 -7.5
BankofMarinBncpBMRC25.01 -9.0
Banner BANR30.10-10.8
Barnes&NobleEducBNED 1.38-10.3
BeaconRoof BECN13.48-15.8
BeasleyBroadcastBBGI 1.28-32.7
BeazerHomesBZH 4.39 -1.9
BellRingBrandsBRBR14.43 ...
BerkshireHills BHLB12.44-16.1
Betterware BWMX 6.20-27.1
Big5SportingGdsBGFV 0.85-11.9
BigRockPtrsWtBRPAW 0.05-48.2
52-Wk %
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg
ArcutisBiotherapARQT 40.88 32.1
Athersys ATHX 2.28 -3.8
BellerophonTherapBLPH 26.00431.0
GreenVisionAcqnGRNVU11.92 -3.4
RandCapital RAND 4.12 3.2
StableRoadWtSRACW 0.95 11.8
TeladocHealthTDOC158.20 1.5
ZoomVideo ZM 135.98 5.5
ABMIndustriesABM 20.84-12.5
ALJ Regional ALJJ 0.55 -9.8
AMCIAcqnWtAMCIW 0.08-33.3
AMCIAcquisitionAMCIU 9.90 1.4
AT&T T 28.18 -8.7
Aaron's AAN 14.80-17.8
AbbottLabs ABT 67.95 -8.7
Abiomed ABMD130.01 -7.1
AcamarPtrs ACAMU 9.70 -1.0
AcamarPtrsWtACAMW 0.50-23.1
AccelEnt ACEL 5.58 -6.7
AccelEntWt ACEL.WS 0.85-29.8
AccelerateDiagAXDX 4.53-28.6
Acushnet GOLF 21.91 -4.5
AddexTherap ADXN 6.34 -9.9
AdvanceAuto AAP 73.74-12.7
AeriePharm AERI 11.60-10.4
Afya AFYA 14.73 -9.6
Agenus AGEN 1.89 -6.3
AirTPfd AIRTP18.20 -2.6
Airgain AIRG 6.15-11.9
AlamoGroup ALG 71.30 -5.6
Albemarle ALB 53.02-13.7
Alcon ALC 42.07 -6.7
Alexander&BaldwinALEX 8.40 -5.2
Alexanders ALX 234.48 -9.0
Alleghany Y 454.39 -3.1
AlleghenyTechsATI 6.22-17.0
Allegion ALLE 81.61-12.0
Allete ALE 53.17-14.0
AlliantEnergy LNT 40.21 -9.6
AllisonTransmALSN 29.03 -9.3
Alpha&OmegaSemAOSL 5.85 -6.4
AlterityTherapATHE 0.28 -4.4
Altria MO 34.14 -7.6
AlumofChina ACH 4.81 -7.4
Ameren AEE 62.01-12.5
AEP AEP 70.26-11.6
AmerElecPwrUnAEPpB41.50 -2.3
AmHomes4RentAMH 19.04 -6.0
Friday, March 20, 2020
New Highs and Lows|WSJ.com/newhighs
NewparkResourcesNR 1.05 2.5
NewsCorp B NWS 8.55 -6.5
NewsCorp A NWSA 8.92 -6.7
NexaResourcesNEXA 2.69-25.5
NextEraEnergyNEE 186.86 -7.4
Noodles NDLS 3.60 0.5
NorthwesternNWE 47.34-15.8
NorwoodFin NWFL23.31 1.8
Novanta NOVT66.44 -6.4
OGE Energy OGE 25.30 -5.3
OReillyAuto ORLY261.00 -9.2
OSI Systems OSIS 49.96-12.6
OaktreeAcqn OAC.U 9.80 -1.5
OaktreeSpec OCSL 2.46-11.3
OconeeFedFinlOFED16.50 -1.4
Oi OIBR.C 0.39 -6.5
Omnicell OMCL54.24 -7.8
Omnicom OMC 48.38 -9.7
1895Bancorp BCOW 7.45-15.1
OneSpaWorldOSW 2.45 18.3
Orix IX 52.65 -2.9
Oshkosh OSK 50.20 -5.2
OspreyTechA SFTW 9.11 -1.5
OspreyTechUnSFTW.U 9.40 -1.1
Otelco OTEL 2.93 3.3
PCB Bancorp PCB 8.54 -2.4
POSCO PKX 27.20 -2.7
PPL PPL 19.56 -8.9
PSBusinessParksPSB 105.05 -8.4
Paccar PCAR52.04 -6.7
PathfinderBncpPBHC11.00 -0.2
PatriotTransportPATI 8.36 -7.1
Pearson PSO 5.72 -7.1
PensareAcqn WRLS 4.80-35.9
PepsiCo PEP 101.42-11.4
PerformShippingDCIX 0.37-18.9
Pfizer PFE 28.91 -4.6
PhoenixNewMediaFENG 1.27 3.1
PhoenixTree DNK 7.50 -8.5
PioneerPwrSolsPPSI 1.55-12.9
PitneyBowes PBI 2.01-24.8
PLxPharma PLXP 2.05-20.9
PlymouthIndREITPLYM 9.71 -0.5
PointsIntl PCOM 7.07-14.4
PolarPower POLA 0.95-18.7
PortlandGenElecPOR 39.20-15.1
PostalRealty PSTL 12.00 -7.9
Precipio PRPO 0.67-17.4
PrecisionDrillingPDS 0.27 1.4
PPlus RRD-1 PYS 12.41 -9.2
Primerica PRI 61.43-12.2
PrincipalFin PFG 25.14 -4.5
ProfireEnergy PFIE 0.62 26.3
Progressive PGR 65.19 1.8
PublicStorage PSA 169.15 -8.7
QuantaServicesPWR 25.04 -6.9
QuestDiag DGX 73.47 -5.1
QuestResourceQRHC 1.12-12.6
QuorumHealthQHC 0.30-26.7
RBB Bancorp RBB 12.02 -6.2
RBC BearingsROLL 80.44-12.2
RELX RELX 16.90 -4.8
RENN Fund RCG 0.90 -8.6
RR Donnelley RRD 1.01-11.4
Reading B RDIB 15.00 -6.3
Reading A RDI 3.32 -8.5
ReadyCapNts2026RCB 13.61 -4.5
RegencyCtrs REG 34.47 -5.9
Regis RGS 6.36-15.0
ReinsGrp RGA 57.87-14.0
ReliantBancorpRBNC 10.09 26.9
Rent-A-CenterRCII 13.34 -8.3
ReplayAcqnUnRPLA.U 9.60 -1.1
Replimune REPL 8.75 -9.5
RepublicSvcs RSG 70.52 -3.3
ResoluteForestRFP 1.33-17.2
RetailValue RVI 8.32-30.8
Revlon REV 8.75 -2.8
RexfordIndlRealtyREXR 32.87 -5.0
Rexnord RXN 20.73-11.6
RichmondMutBncpRMBI 9.36 0.7
RiverviewFinl RIVE 5.25-15.5
RobertHalf RHI 34.38 -8.4
RockyMtnChocRMCF 3.77-27.6
Rogers ROG 79.61-11.7
RosehillRscs ROSE 0.28-37.4
RoyalBkScotlandRBS 2.50 -8.6
SB Financial SBFG 9.06 -0.8
SCETrVI5%PfdLSCEpL17.49 -6.7
Seacor CKH 22.88 -8.0
SeacorMarine SMHI 3.30-17.7
SEI InvestmentsSEIC 37.66 -9.1
SK Telecom SKM 15.22 -1.4
SLGreenRealtySLG 45.39 -8.3
SPAR Group SGRP 0.58 -0.9
SabineRoyaltySBR 24.83 -2.5
Sabre SABR 0.50-86.9
SafetyInsuranceSAFT 65.45 -9.5
SanJuanBasinSJT 1.73 -9.7
SantanderConsSC 11.44 -7.9
Sasol SSL 1.60-13.0
SaulCenters BFS 25.28 -4.8
SchweitzerMaudSWM 21.23 -7.1
SeaDrill SDRL 0.48 ...
SharpSpring SHSP 5.83-10.1
ShilohIndustriesSHLO 0.95-25.8
Sientra SIEN 1.07-14.4
SilverSpikeUn SSPKU 9.45 -2.0
SilvercrestAssetSAMG 6.21-16.4
SilverSunTechsSSNT 1.87 -2.5
SimplyGoodFoodsSMPL 14.73 -3.2
SimpsonMfg SSD 54.82-15.7
SiriusXM SIRI 4.41 -7.3
SmartFinancialSMBK11.05 -7.5
SmithAO AOS 34.12 -5.7
SolarisOilfield SOI 4.66 -3.4
SoundFinBancorpSFBC 20.06 -6.1
SouthPlainsFinSPFI 13.00 5.7
Southern SO 46.15 -8.9
SouthernUnSeriesASOLN 38.55 -4.2
StdAVBFin STND 17.52 -5.2
StateAutoFin STFC 19.51-18.8
SteinMart SMRT 0.28-29.6
StockYardsBncpSYBT 25.17-10.3
StrataSkinSci SSKN 0.80-10.7
Strats Allst GJTGJT 18.21 -3.6
Strats WlMrt GJOGJO 20.90 -4.1
Strattec STRT 12.88 -7.3
SunLifeFinancialSLF 25.00 -5.4
SunlandsTech STG 1.35 2.4
SuperiorGroupSGC 7.95 -5.4
TargetHospWtTHWWW 0.20-33.3
TaroPharm TARO56.67 -1.1
Tennant TNC 50.07 -1.8
Tenneco TEN 2.63-17.0
3M MMM122.71 -9.2
ThunderBridgeIITHBRU 9.15 0.1
TowneBank TOWN16.88 -9.2
TransActTechsTACT 3.04-30.8
TrancntlRlty TCI 16.50-32.8
TransUnion TRU 54.73 -6.3
TriMas TRS 20.77 -7.9
TrineAcqnWt TRNE.WS 0.35 4.0
TrinityPlace TPHS 1.25-10.0
TriStateCapPfATSCAP18.50 -1.8
TrueCar TRUE 2.15 -4.2
TrustcoBank TRST 4.61 -4.5
UDR UDR 31.46 -5.1
Unitil UTL 44.35-13.9
Unifi UFI 7.48-31.0
UnionAcqnIIWtLATNW 0.14-32.3
UnitedInsuranceUIHC 7.16 ...
USCopperIndexCPER 13.18 -1.6
USGasolineFdUGA 10.80 -5.8
UnivInsuranceUVE 15.38 -6.9
UnivLogistics ULH 11.24 -4.5
UnumGroup UNM 10.34 -2.4
UrbanOne A UONE 1.36 -1.7
UrbanOne D UONEK 1.02 10.4
UroGenPharmaURGN13.56 -5.4
Usio USIO 0.80 15.2
UTStarcom UTSI 1.84 -0.5
Uxin UXIN 1.26 -9.3
VOXX Intl VOXX 1.82-14.9
VarianMed VAR 98.31 -7.8
VeriskAnalyticsVRSK123.54 -9.0
VircoMfg VIRC 1.82-21.9
VirtusInvtPtrsVRTS66.99 -9.0
VivintSmartHomeVVNT 8.51 ...
VoltInfoSci VOLT 0.70 -8.1
WEC Energy WEC 72.08-18.1
WSFS FinancialWSFS20.19-12.1
WashTrBcp WASH31.81-13.5
Weidai WEI 1.06 -0.2
WellsFargoPfdTWFCpT23.50 -0.2
WestellTech WSTL 0.65 -4.7
WeyerhaeuserWY 14.60 -8.6
Whirlpool WHR 73.73 -9.8
WilhelminaIntlWHLM 2.35-23.2
WillametteVallPfAWVVIP 4.20 -5.1
Willdan WLDN18.08 -8.2
XcelEnergy XEL 50.03-12.7
Xylem XYL 59.26 -7.1
YoungevityPfdDYGYIP 6.01-21.5
YunhongIntl ZGYHU 9.25 -2.2
ZionsBancorpWtZIONW 0.30-49.6
LibertyOilfieldLBRT 2.17-12.7
LifeStorage LSI 73.12 -5.2
LifeSciAcqnUnLSACU 8.82 -3.9
LightInTheBoxLITB 0.70-14.6
LindbladExpedLIND 3.31-11.7
LivaNova LIVN 36.00 -8.6
Livent LTHM 4.79 -9.8
LloydsBankingLYG 1.39 -5.4
Loews L 30.87-16.2
LonestarRscs LONE 0.47-25.3
Luby's LUB 0.50-42.6
LumosPharmaLUMO 7.12-18.7
LuokungTech LKCO 0.37 -2.7
LutherBurbankLBC 7.22 -6.9
Lydall LDL 5.06-16.1
MDC PartnersMDCA 1.02-30.6
MSC IndustrialMSM 46.85 -4.9
MVC Capital MVC 4.10-17.6
MackinacFin MFNC 8.76 -6.7
MagentaTherapMGTA 6.03-10.0
MaidenHoldingsMHLD 0.38-40.9
Manitowoc MTW 8.63 -0.8
Manpower MAN 52.54-12.5
Marcus&MillichapMMI 21.90-11.8
Masco MAS 29.26 -9.5
Mastercard MA 210.00 -6.9
MatinasBioPharmaMTNB 0.58 -4.3
MauiLand MLP 8.50 1.0
MeridianBancorpEBSB 9.71-11.0
Meridian MRBK12.29 0.6
MerrimackPharmMACK 1.49-17.7
Mesoblast MESO 3.41 -3.8
MetLife MET 24.16 -9.0
MicronSolutionsMICR 1.22 -6.1
MidAmApt MAA 85.45-12.0
Misonix MSON 8.02 -8.4
ModineMfg MOD 2.96 -4.2
MohawkInds MHK 58.23-11.6
Mondelez MDLZ 42.85 -4.7
Monro MNRO41.63-10.7
MonsterBev MNST50.06 -4.1
MoSys MOSY 0.78 -3.0
MotorolaSol MSI 132.79 -8.8
Movado MOV 9.04 -1.7
MudrickCapWtMUDSW 0.37-37.2
NACCO Inds NC 22.26 -8.3
NI NODK 10.15 -6.5
NV5Global NVEE 29.03-12.3
NamTaiPropertyNTP 3.66-12.6
NanoDimensionNNDM 0.60 6.6
Nasdaq NDAQ79.67 -8.5
NationalVisionEYE 13.47-19.5
NaturalAlt NAII 4.75 2.4
NatureSunshineNATR 5.50 2.5
Natuzzi NTZ 0.48 -5.7
NaviosMaritimeNMM 4.41 -5.5
Navistar pfD NAVpD15.00-37.1
Nelnet NNI 38.66-10.2
NewFortressEnerNFE 8.32 -8.2
NewaterTech NEWA 1.87 -6.8
ICICI Bank IBN 7.84 0.1
IDACORP IDA 73.34-10.7
IdexxLab IDXX180.19 -5.1
IF Bancorp IROQ 15.25 -0.3
IHS Markit INFO 47.75 -8.2
IMV IMV 1.63-11.1
IRSA IRS 3.13-15.9
IcahnEnterprisesIEP 41.95 -5.9
IllinoisToolWksITW 123.89 -7.7
IndepRealty IRT 8.62 -5.7
IndLogistics ILPT 13.91 -6.0
Infosys INFY 6.86 -2.7
InnSuitesHospIHT 1.12 -6.7
InspiredEnt INSE 2.74 4.7
IntegerHoldingsITGR 50.92-11.9
InterParfums IPAR 34.84-28.2
IntlBcshs IBOC 16.33 -9.0
IBM IBM 94.71 -4.9
InterPrivateWtIPV.WS 0.55 -3.1
Interpublic IPG 12.20-11.2
Intuit INTU199.39 -6.5
Investar ISTR 10.83 -5.1
InvRlEst IRET 53.61-18.8
InvestorsTitle ITIC 102.60 -0.6
InvitatHomes INVH 16.87 -7.1
iRadimed IRMD15.30 -9.8
IronMountain IRM 22.43 -9.7
JBG SMITH PropJBGS 26.02 -8.2
JMP JMP 2.29 -5.9
JanusHendersonJHG 13.37 -6.3
JazzPharma JAZZ 94.19 -8.2
JefferiesFin JEF 12.31 -9.9
JerashHldgs JRSH 4.90 -6.1
JerniganCap JCAP 10.57 -6.8
Jewett-CameronJCTCF 5.03 -4.9
J&J JNJ 118.13 -5.6
JuniperIndustrialJIH.U 9.50 0.9
KAR Auction KAR 11.81 -5.6
KBLMergerIVRtKBLMR 0.09-36.0
KaiserAlum KALU54.54-11.8
Kaman KAMN32.51-11.8
Kennametal KMT 15.50-11.0
KennedyWilsonKW 12.02-14.0
KilroyRealty KRC 49.15 -5.9
KimballIntl B KBAL 8.71-12.9
KimbellRoyaltyKRP 3.90 -3.2
KimberlyClark KMB117.65 -6.4
KoreaElcPwr KEP 6.28 -3.1
KornitDigital KRNT22.17 -2.9
LCI Inds LCII 58.02 -6.5
LCNB LCNB 11.92-18.9
LIVCapAcqnUnLIVKU 9.91 -0.9
LMP Auto LMPX 3.33-28.4
LakeShoreBancorpLSBK 10.80 -9.2
Landec LNDC 7.97 -0.7
LandmarkInfrPtrsLMRK 7.37-12.5
Lantronix LTRX 1.58 -7.5
Lazard LAZ 22.36 -9.6
Lazydays LAZY 2.00-16.0
LeisureAcqn LACQ 9.12 -1.0
LeMaitreVascularLMAT21.22 -9.7
LevelOneBncpLEVL 13.45-14.2
LeviStrauss LEVI 11.40 -7.3
Libbey LBY 0.53 2.9
FirstFoundationFFWM 8.46-13.1
FirstRepBank FRC 77.56-11.6
FirstUS BcshsFUSB 7.01 -4.3
500.com WBAI 3.56-12.7
Flanigans BDL 8.50-16.4
FlexSolInt FSI 0.86-13.5
FlirSystems FLIR 24.75-18.7
Fluidigm FLDM 1.17-10.1
ForresterResearchFORR 22.45-15.9
FoxB FOX 19.92 -8.6
Franchise FRG 5.75 -5.0
FreseniusMedFMS 29.17 -6.5
FulingGlobal FORK 1.53-12.5
GX Acqn GXGXU 9.40 -3.4
GabelliHlthPfdAGRXpA24.82 -0.1
GalileoAcqnWtGLEO.WS 0.30 -9.1
GenuineParts GPC 55.02-13.9
GeoPark GPRK 5.44 -4.9
Glaukos GKOS 24.17-11.0
GlenBurnieBncpGLBZ 9.00 -5.5
GoldStandrdVntrGSV 0.27-27.1
GoldenOcean GOGL 2.74 -6.4
GoodTimesRestGTIM 0.62-18.7
GordonPointeWtGPAQW 0.12-37.5
GrafIndlWt GRAF.WS 0.10 15.4
Grainger GWW212.01 -9.0
GraphicPkg GPK 10.83 -4.8
GreatSouthernBncpGSBC 33.68 -6.8
GriffinIndlRealtyGRIF 28.99 -2.6
Griffon GFF 9.75-18.2
GrAeroportuarioOMAB24.16 -1.5
GpoAeroportSurASR 82.40 -4.9
GpoAvalAcc AVAL 3.50 -4.3
GrupoSimec SIM 6.75 -1.0
GulfIslandFab GIFI 2.88 13.5
HBT Finl HBT 11.22-10.5
HC2 Holdings HCHC 1.39 -2.0
HamiltonBeachHBB 6.93-14.0
HancockJaffeLabsHJLI 0.27 -1.3
HappinessBiotechHAPP 2.98-16.1
HarleyDavidsonHOG 16.04-13.2
HavertyFurn AHVT.A11.61-15.7
HavertyFurn HVT 11.37 -1.9
HealthcareRealtyHR 24.98 -9.1
HealthcareAmerHTA 21.56 -2.1
HeartlandFinUSAHTLF 27.71-14.4
HerculesCapNts33HCXY 17.27 -7.7
HershaHospPfdDHTpD 2.51 -7.3
HershaHospPfdCHTpC 4.37-13.7
HollysysAuto HOLI 9.64 -4.0
HomeBancorpHBCP 19.98-10.5
HomeStreet HMST19.66-14.6
HomeTrustBcshsHTBI 11.94-10.9
HoraceMannEduHMN 31.04 2.7
HorizonBancorpHBNC 7.89-11.4
HostessBrandsWtTWNKW 0.45 -7.9
HowardHughesHHC 39.38-10.7
HudsonPacPropHPP 17.78 -7.8
Huntsman HUN 12.23-13.3
HuttigBuildingHBP 0.62 -7.2
HysterYaleMatlsHY 33.01 -2.1
ColumbiaPropertyCXP 8.61 -5.9
Comcast A CMCSA32.64 -7.2
ConEd ED 71.07 -9.4
CorpOfficePropOFC 15.23 -5.1
Corts JC KTP KTP 2.13 -9.2
Corvel CRVL 53.29-13.3
CovenantTransptCVTI 9.05-15.1
CrescentCapBDCCCAP 6.92-20.2
CryoLife CRY 14.23-18.3
Cubic CUB 34.62 -9.0
Cutera CUTR 9.12-16.6
Cyanotech CYAN 1.82 7.9
CyrusOne CONE44.11 -6.4
Danaos DAC 2.50-14.5
Daseke DSKE 0.86-26.1
DianaShippingDSX 1.26-11.0
DiscoveryB DISCB24.80-15.9
DominionEnerUnDCUE85.29 -3.6
DominionEnerD 66.35 -6.4
Domo DOMO 7.62 -9.3
DorchesterMnlsDMLP 8.71 -8.0
Dover DOV 65.90 -6.6
DukeEnergy DUK 68.10 -8.9
ESSA BancorpESSA 10.47 -5.1
eBay EBAY27.21 -6.8
Ecolab ECL 140.57-11.1
EdgewellPersonalEPC 24.39-21.0
8iEntsAcqnUnJFKKU 9.72-12.7
8iEntsAcqn JFK 7.36-26.8
Electro-SensorsELSE 2.69-11.8
ElmiraSvgsBankESBK 13.08 -2.9
EmbotellAndinaAAKO.A 9.44 3.1
Emcore EMKR 1.46-21.5
EncoreWire WIRE38.66 -8.6
EnduranceIntl EIGI 1.31 -3.9
EntergyNOLA BdsENJ 21.06 -5.1
Envestnet ENV 49.56 -8.4
Equifax EFX 105.35 -8.5
EquityResdntlEQR 54.62 -7.9
EquusTotReturnEQS 0.89-10.8
Escalade ESCA 5.65 -2.9
EssexProp ESS 192.22 -6.1
Etsy ETSY 31.00 -8.6
EvansBancorpEVBN20.93 -5.5
Evergy EVRG46.80-14.4
EversourceEnerES 67.42-11.3
EvolvingSystemsEVOL 0.60 -6.1
EvoquaWater AQUA 8.11-11.9
Exicure XCUR 0.96 -1.0
ExpeditorsIntlEXPD52.85 -5.3
ExperienceInvtWtEXPCW 0.60-40.0
Exterran EXTN 4.50 ...
ExtraSpaceSt EXR 77.70 -8.1
FARO Tech FARO 35.39 -6.8
FS Bancorp FSBW27.50-14.2
FarPointAcqnWtFPAC.WS 0.30 43.2
FedAgriMtg CAGM 42.79-17.1
FedAgriMtg AAGM.A41.26-11.4
FinInstitutionsFISI 12.78 -8.3
FinServAcqnUnFSRVU 9.22 ...
FirstBancsharesFBMS15.88 -4.5
FirstBank FRBA 6.01-13.7
52-Wk %
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg
52-Wk %
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg
52-Wk %
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg
52-Wk %
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg
52-Wk %
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg
52-Wk %
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg
52-Wk %
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg
The following explanations apply to the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Arca, NYSE
American and Nasdaq Stock Market stocks that hit a new 52-week intraday high or low
in the latest session.% CHG-Daily percentage change from the previous trading session.
Dividend Changes
Dividend announcements from March 20.
Amount Payable /
Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record
Amount Payable /
Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record
B. Riley Nts 2025 RILYM10.6 .3453 Apr30 /Apr15
Gl Beta Smart Incm GBDV ... .232 Mar26 /Mar23
U.S. Gold USAU 1:10 /Mar20
Amount Payable /
Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record
Amount Payable /
Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record
Accenture Cl A ACN 2.1 .80 Q May15 /Apr16
Diana Ship 8.875 Pfd B DSXpB13.1 .55469 Q Apr15 /Apr14
Dorsey Wright ETN 2036 BMLP15.2 .8828 Q Apr06 /Mar27
Fanhua ADR FANH 6.0 .30 Q Apr16 /Apr02
Momo ADR MOMO 2.7 .76 Apr30 /Apr08
KEY: A: annual; M: monthly; Q: quarterly; r: revised; SA: semiannual; S2:1: stock split and ratio; SO: spin-off.
Borrowing Benchmarks|WSJ.com/bonds
Money Rates March 20, 2020
Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and
international markets. Rates below are a guide to general levels but
don’t always represent actual transactions.
Feb. index Chg From (%)
level Jan. '20 Feb. '19
U.S. consumer price index
All items 258.678 0.27 2.3
Core 267.268 0.48 2.4
Week 52-Week
Latest ago High Low
Prime rates
U.S. 3.25 4.25 5.50 3.25
Canada 2.95 3.45 3.95 2.95
Japan 1.4751.475 1.475 1.475
Policy Rates
Euro zone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Switzerland 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Britain 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
Australia 0.25 0.50 1.50 0.25
Fannie Mae
30-year mortgage yields
30 days 3.0122.991 3.857 2.328
60 days 3.0813.035 3.884 2.353
Notes on data:
U.S. prime rateis the base rate on corporate
loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest
U.S. banks, and is effective March 16, 2020.
Other prime ratesaren’t directly comparable;
lending practices vary widely by location.
Complete Money Rates table appears Monday
through Friday.
Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics; FactSet
Week —52-WEEK—
Latest ago High Low
iShCoreUSAggBd AGG 110.03 0.99–2.1
iShSelectDividend DVY 66.39 –5.96–37.2
iShEdgeMSCIMinEAFEEFAV 55.73 –1.80–25.2
iShEdgeMSCIMinUSAUSMV 48.35 –5.25–26.3
iShEdgeMSCIUSAMomMTUM 93.81 –5.89–25.3
iShEdgeMSCIUSAQualQUAL 72.06 –5.36–28.7
iShFloatingRateBd FLOT 45.24 2.59–11.2
iShGoldTr IAU 14.23 1.43–1.9
iShiBoxx$InvGrCpBd LQD 106.74 1.61–16.6
iShiBoxx$HYCpBd HYG 69.75 –2.24–20.7
iShIntermCorpBd IGIB 50.43 –0.28–13.0
iShJPMUSDEmgBd EMB 91.09 3.53–20.5
iShMBSETF MBB107.87 1.20–0.2
iShMSCI ACWI ACWI 55.31 –3.17–30.2
iShMSCI EAFE EFA 47.05 –1.24–32.2
iShMSCI EAFE SC SCZ 38.54 ...–38.1
iShMSCIEmgMarketsEEM 31.36 0.74–30.1
iShMSCIJapan EWJ 45.11 0.24–23.9
iShNatlMuniBd MUB102.30 0.77–10.2
iShPfd&Incm PFF 27.75 1.98–26.2
Closing Chg YTD
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%)
CnsmrDiscSelSector XLY 87.81 –2.97–30.0
CnsStapleSelSector XLP 50.40 –6.48–20.0
FinSelSectorSPDR XLF 18.91 –3.57–38.6
FT ValDivFd FVD 25.04 –5.76–30.5
HealthCareSelSect XLV 79.09 –3.84–22.4
IndSelSectorSPDR XLI 51.40 –5.01–36.9
InvscQQQI QQQ170.70 –3.92–19.7
InvscS&P500EW RSP 75.03 –4.86–35.2
InvscS&P500LowVol SPLV41.51 –6.30–28.8
iSh3-7YTreasuryBd IEI 131.95 1.20 4.9
iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO29.22 –4.91–30.5
iShCoreMSCIEAFE IEFA 43.74 –0.95–33.0
iShCoreMSCIEM IEMG37.18 0.84–30.8
iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 41.82 –0.33–32.4
iShCoreS&P500 IVV 231.16 –4.50–28.5
iShCoreS&P MC IJH 126.27 –3.71–38.7
iShCoreS&P SC IJR 49.78 –3.75–40.6
iShS&PTotlUSStkMktITOT 50.94 –4.00–29.9
Closing Chg YTD
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%)
Friday, March 20, 2020 iShRussell1000iShRussell1000Gwth IWFIWB133.98126.17 –4.25–4.58–29.3–23.8
iShRussell1000Val IWD 89.15 –4.07–34.7
iShRussell2000 IWM101.40 –2.38–38.8
iShRussell3000 IWV132.95 –3.87–29.5
iShRussellMid-Cap IWR 38.10 –4.18–36.1
iShRussellMCValue IWS 56.83 –4.39–40.0
iShS&P500Growth IVW147.41 –4.09–23.9
iShS&P500Value IVE 86.71 –4.36–33.3
iShShortCpBd IGSB 48.16 2.01–10.2
iShShortTreaBd SHV111.03 0.03 0.5
iShTIPSBondETF TIP 115.86 4.45–0.6
iSh1-3YTreasuryBd SHY 86.49 0.27 2.2
iSh7-10YTreasuryBd IEF 119.14 2.55 8.1
iSh20+YTreasuryBd TLT 159.43 7.5217.7
iShRussellMCGrowth IWP106.75 –3.92–30.0
iShUSTreasuryBdETFGOVT27.63 2.26 6.5
JPM UltShtIncm JPST48.97 –0.14 –2.9
PIMCOEnhShMaturityMINT97.07 –1.04 –4.4
SPDRBloomBar1-3MTBBIL 91.66 0.03 0.3
SPDR Gold GLD140.11 1.50–2.0
SchwabIntEquity SCHF22.69 –0.96–32.5
SchwabUS BrdMkt SCHB53.80 –4.66–30.0
SchwabUS Div SCHD40.54 –5.59–30.0
SchwabUS LC SCHX54.71 –4.17–28.8
SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG70.30 –4.20–24.3
Schwab US TIPs SCHP56.15 4.25–0.8
SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 191.90 –4.39–32.7
SPDR S&PMdCpTr MDY229.25 –3.93–38.9
SPDR S&P 500 SPY228.80 –4.31–28.9
SPDR S&P Div SDY 72.82 –6.16–32.3
TechSelectSector XLK 71.42 –4.58–22.1
UtilitiesSelSector XLU 47.82 –7.93–26.0
VanEckGoldMiner GDX 20.55 –3.39–29.8
VangdInfoTech VGT187.15 –4.03–23.6
VangdSC Val VBR 78.30 –4.58–42.9
VangdSC Grwth VBK131.06 –2.59–34.0
VangdDivApp VIG 93.23 –5.43–25.2
VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 29.41 –0.91–33.3
VangdFTSE EM VWO31.12 0.45–30.0
VangdFTSE Europe VGK 37.54 –1.37–35.9
VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 36.60 –0.49–31.9
VangdGrowth VUG139.61 –3.95–23.4
VangdHlthCr VHT146.00 –4.24–23.9
VangdHiDiv VYM 63.64 –4.76–32.1
VangdIntermBd BIV 84.65 1.05–2.9
VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 78.83 –1.19–13.7
VangdLC VV 105.92 –4.28–28.4
VangdMC VO 115.90 –4.50–35.0
VangdMC Val VOE 71.64 –4.82–39.9
VangdMBS VMBS52.26 –0.83 –1.7
VangdRealEst VNQ 59.68 –4.98–35.7
VangdS&P500ETF VOO210.74 –4.36–28.8
VangdST Bond BSV 80.23 1.98–0.5
VangdSTCpBd VCSH72.97 1.70–9.9
VangdSC VB 101.42 –2.87–38.8
VangdTotalBd BND 82.17 1.70–2.0
VangdTotIntlBd BNDX55.31 0.56–2.2
VangdTotIntlStk VXUS37.62 –0.34–32.4
VangdTotalStk VTI 115.19 –4.08–29.6
VangdTotlWrld VT 56.03 –2.73–30.8
VangdValue VTV 80.05 –4.74–33.2
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