
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

nationality are required. You will also need to enter the
same for your parents.

Applying for job applications

Application forms will be discussed in Chapter 12.

Replying to an invitation

Wedding invitations, dinner invitations, invitations to formal
banquets all require replies. On the bottom left of the in-
vitation it will say ‘RSVP to.. .’.

RSVP stands for ‘Répondez, s’il vous plaît’which is French
for ‘Reply please’. Itdoesmean that. If you are asked to
reply, do so because your host or hostess needs to know the
numbers that can be expected. Courtesy suggests you should
do so as soon as possible so that someone else can be invited
if you are unable to accept. Remember to reply whether or
not you are able to attend.

Writing legibly

Writing legibly on a form you fill in is vital. Every form is
important so make sure that the recipient of it does not have
to spend time deciphering your scrawl! It is a good idea to
print most of the answers. If you are required to write
something, as in a car accident claim form, then remember to
write legibly and concisely.

◆ Don’t write the account of your accident straight on to
the form.

◆ Write it out first and make sure it is clear and concise.

◆ Then copy it out neatly.


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