
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Asking for help

Never be afraid to ask for help when filling in a form. Some
forms can be confusing but the company will be dealing with
them all the time and will be only too happy to help you. It is
in their interests too. It is much better to explain something
to someone than to have to request that a second form be
done as the first one is incorrect.

Do take a few minutes before you fill in a form to read it
carefully. This can save you time later on. Make sure you
fully understand itbeforeyou start to fill it in. Of course, if
you are doing it ‘online’, it is easy to delete errors.

Witnessing the signature

Before your signature some forms put something like the
following: ‘I declare that to the best of my knowledge and
belief the statements above are true and I have not withheld
any relevant information.’

It is also likely that you may be required to have your
signature witnessed. This means that youmustlet somebody
watchyou sign your name and then he or she should sign
underneath to say your signature has been ‘witnessed’.

Checking for errors

◆ Always look through the form first and delete anything

◆ Write out any details in rough first.

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