
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Using the exclamation mark

Theexclamation markshould be used rarely or it loses its
impact. It should not be used for emphasis; your choice of
words should be sufficient. It is used in direct speech – again
in place of a comma – when the speaker is exclaiming. There
should always be an exclamation mark if the word ‘ex-
claimed’ is used:

‘I don’t believe it!’ he exclaimed.

However, the word ‘exclaimed’ is not always necessary. It
can merely be suggested:

‘I can’t reach it!’ she cried.

In this example a comma could have been used but an
exclamation mark is more appropriate.

The only other place where an exclamation mark can be
used is where there is an element of irony in the statement.
The speaker or writer comments with ‘tongue in cheek’.
What is said is not literally true but is said to make a point:

Jean’s Christmas card arrived a year late. It had been on
a trip round the world!

Revising the points

◆ A full stop should be used to separate statements that are
complete in themselves.

◆ Commas should never be used instead of full stops.


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