
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

◆ Use commas to separate words and groups of words in a

◆ Use a comma to separate the clauses if you begin a
sentence with a conjunction or to separate groups of
words within the main sentence.

◆ Use a comma before expressions like ‘isn’t it?’ and also
when addressing someone by name.

◆ Use a comma to separate direct speech from the rest of
the sentence.

◆ Use semicolons to separate clauses.

◆ Don’t forget to put the question mark after a question.

Practising what you’ve learnt

Punctuate the following extracts:

  1. John was furious he stormed out of the house slamming
    the door behind him never again would he try to help
    anyone he’d gone to see Peter to offer financial aid and
    Peter had angrily thrown his offer back in his face surely
    he could have shown some gratitude now he would be
    late for work and he had an early appointment with an
    important client.

  2. The sun shone down from a brilliant blue sky the slight
    breeze ruffled the long grass the scent of roses was all
    around and the birds were twittering happily in the trees
    Emma who had been feeling sad suddenly felt more
    cheerful the summer had come at last hadn’t it while she

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