Problem Solving in Automata, Languages, and Complexity

(Dana P.) #1

5.6 Undecidable Problems 273





for each a E r U { *}.


cqia ----

and for
qjFb ’ qjcb

, for each instruction tY(qi, a) = (qj, b, L) of M
each c E r.

(5) H, Fi, El, Ei,foreachaH’.

(6) IFi , for each a E I?.







We need to prove that M halts on x if and only if P, has a solution. First,
assume that M halts on x. We modify the definition of the configuration
of M to include all tape symbols in all cells that have ever been visited by
the tape head in the computation of M on input x. That is, the rightmost
blank symbols in a configuration are not removed in the representation of
the configuration. Assume that the computation of M on x consists of the
following configurations:
a0 t- cl!1 t- l l l I- at,

where a0 = BxqlB and CQ = y1 l l l ypqnxlx2 l l l zq, where each yi and each zj

is a single symbol in I?. Define CQ+~ = 2~1~2 l •yPqn~i+l l l l xq, for 1 5 i < q,

w.+q+1 = YlY2 l l aYpQn+l, and at+q+j = Yl ” ‘Yp+l-jQn+l, for 2 < - j < - P + 1.
We claim that if e + q + p + 1 is odd, then

is a solution to Pr, and if! + q + p + 1 is even, then

[a() a1ikQ l l l ae+q+p+1]

is a solution to P,. (In the above, we write & to denote the string obtained
from ai with each symbol a in ar; replaced by the symbol 7i.)
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