Problem Solving in Automata, Languages, and Complexity

(Dana P.) #1

To prove this claim, the critical observation is that if we use top strings
xi’s in -Pz to form a string ak*, 0 5 rE 5 I! + 4 + p, that is, if

then the corresponding bottom strings must form the string &+I%, that is,

Similarly, if xilxi2 l l -xit = 6& then yi1yi2 l l l yit = ak+l*. For instance, if
Ic < I!, then these xi’s must be from groups 2, 3 or 4 and it is easy to see
that the strings in groups 3 and 4 force the corresponding yi)s to form the
successor configuration.
From this observation, we can prove the claim by induction. More precisely,
we first define a pair of strings
r to be a partial solution to Px if there exists
a sequence (il ,... , it), with each ij E { 1,... , n}, such that u = xilxi2 l l l xit,
v= YilYi2 l l l yii and u is a prefix of v. We can then prove by induction that
for each odd i < - e + Q + p,

is a partial solution, and for each even i < - e + 4 + p,

is a partial solution. First, we observe that the first pair
partial solution. Next, assume that for some even i < e + q + p,

is a

is a partial solution. Then, the only way for the top part of the partial
solution to match the bottom part is to attach a string &+I% to it. From
the observation we made above, we know that the corresponding bottom part
must be Q~+Z*, and so

is also a partial solution. The other case of odd i is similar.
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