Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

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  1. Delete the Plans Identified layer. Click the layer called Plans
    Identified. This text layer is editable (not hand-drawn or oth-
    erwise rendered out to pixels) and identifies the target around
    the rolled-up paper so deftly hidden in Bronco the dinosaur’s
    mitten, as seen in Figure 5-67 below.

Figure 5-67.

Figure 5-68.

The idea behind the message is fine, but I ultimately decided
that it ruins the subtlety of the piece. (Yes, the piece has sub-
tlety—loads of it.) To delete the layer, click the trash can icon
at the bottom of the Layers panel. Photoshop will politely ask
if you’re sure you want to delete the layer, as in Figure 5-68.
Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
To bypass the confirmation and delete the layer without any
grousing from Photoshop, you can Alt-click (or Option-click)
the trash can. But that’s the old-school sucker’s route. Here’s
the better way.

With the layer selected, just press the Backspace or Delete key. The layer
goes away, with no warning whatsoever. Since Photoshop CS4, this
technique works regardless of which tool is active.

Working with Layer Comps 173

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