Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Deleting the Plans Identified layer upsets two layer comps, Surveillance and
Rough Comp, which are now marked with yellow warning icons in the
Layer Comps panel. Although only one of those particular comps actually
displayed the layer, both comps were created or updated since the Plans
Identified layer was introduced. Therefore, they both knew of the layer’s
existence; the other comps did not. To get rid of the icons, you must
update the two Plans Identified–aware comps as explained next.

  1. Update the affected layer comps. You update the two comps
    in slightly different ways:

    • Because the Surveillance comp represents the current state,
      you don’t need to reload it. In the Layer Comps panel, just
      click the word Surveillance to make sure it’s active. Then
      click the update icon at the bottom of the panel, identi-
      fied by the cursor in Figure 5-69.

    • To update Rough Comp, first click to the left of it to restore
      the comp’s layer settings, so you see the icon. Loading the
      comp before updating is very important; otherwise, you’ll
      wreck it by overwriting it with the layer settings from the
      Surveillance comp. Then click the icon as before.

  2. Restore the Surveillance comp. Now we’ll create our own comp
    by basing it on the last comp, Surveillance. Click in front of
    the comp name to restore its layer settings.

  3. Turn on the three hidden layer items. Go to the Layers panel
    and turn on the hidden group Emperor Scratch as well as the top
    two layers, Text and Backcard. (The quickest way to display all
    three s is to click in the left column in front of Emperor Scratch
    and drag up.) The result is a malevolent duckbill skeleton—
    augmented with a spiffy row of suspiciously unduckbillish
    carnivore teeth—along with a fiendish new caption, all of
    which appear in Figure 5-70 on the facing page. Sounds like the
    skeleton is talking about me, but he’s really after Bronco. Bad
    blood, you know. They’re stepbrothers or something, I forget.

Figure 5-69.

174 Lesson 5: Working with Layers

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