Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Adjust the levels. In the Adjustments panel, set the first numeri-
    cal value, on the far left, to 56. Press the Tab key twice and set
    the third value to 62. As you can see in Figure 7-44, you now
    have a starfield, like the one used in The Empire Strikes Back or
    the only slightly less famous Lesson 5 of this book.

Figure 7-44.
But better still, you can edit it. Some options:

  • You can double-click the Gaussian Blur entry in the Layers
    panel, and adjust the Radius in the Gaussian Blur dialog
    box to make the stars bigger or smaller.

  • Click the Stars layer and adjust the Levels settings in the
    Adjustments panel if you want to make the stars brighter
    and more plentiful or dimmer and more scarce.
    When you have the stars the way you like, choose File→Save
    to update your file.

  1. Create a new pattern. Stars aren’t the only magic this new file
    can create. You can use the same two smart filters and turn
    them into a stucco pattern. Start by clicking the next to the
    Stars layer to turn it off. Click the Base layer to make it active.
    Choose Filter→Stylize→Emboss. In the Emboss dialog box,
    ignore the Angle value, set the Height to 3, and set the Amount
    to 300. Click OK.

  2. Add a Hue/Saturation adjustment. Choose Layer→New Ad-
    justment Layer→Hue/Saturation. Name the layer “Color” and
    click OK. In the Adjustments panel, turn on the Colorize check
    box, and set the Hue and Saturation values to whatever you
    like. I recommend 30 and 15, respectively, but you may have
    different tastes in imaginary digital paint.

254 Lesson 7: Sharpening and Smart Objects

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