Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Select the warp tool. Click the topmost tool in the Liquify
    window or press the W key to select the warp tool, which lets
    you stretch or squish details in an image by dragging them.
    (Photoshop calls the warp tool forward warp, as if there were
    any such thing as backward warp.) Of all Liquify’s tools, the
    warp tool is the most consistently useful.

  2. Set the zoom to 100 percent. Set the zoom to 100 percent by
    pressing Ctrl-1 (�-1). Alternatively, you can set the zoom by
    hand using the pop-up menu in the lower-left corner of the
    Liquify dialog box. Then press the spacebar for an on-the-fly
    hand tool in Liquify (as well as in Photoshop proper) and drag
    so that the top half of the model’s body fills the image preview.

  3. Adjust the brush settings. Okay, here’s where the inexactness
    of my instruction that I warned you about begins. You want a
    nice big brush, so press Shift+ until your brush size covers
    her entire torso, somewhere around 750 pixels.

Figure 8-15.

  1. Drag each elbow upward. Note that our
    model’s elbows are uneven. Start by click-
    ing near her elbow on the left side, as I’ve
    indicated in Figure 8-15, and gently push the
    pixels upward so that her hips elongate, her
    elbow rises, and her posture (on her right
    side, at least) improves dramatically. Err
    on the side of moving inward rather than
    outward. Move her right shoulder (the left
    side of the image) up to match the other
    side. Don’t worry about smushing her face.
    Then do the same for her right elbow. Try
    to ignore the other aspects of her posture,
    and get her elbows roughly in alignment.
    You can see the results of my brushstrokes
    in the preview window of the figure.

My general advice for using the Liquify tool is to
apply as slight a modification as you can. That
is, work as slowly and carefully as your patience
and time allotment allow. I usually start big and
move into smaller adjustments as I work.
Start at her elbow and
gently push upward

Using Liquify to Fix Posture and Appearance 269

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