Eastern and Central Europe (Eyewitness Travel Guides)

(Ben Green) #1


For hotels and restaurants in this region see pp390–93 and pp394–7

Frozen Lake Fertő in the picturesque
Fertő-Hanság National Park


National Park w
Fertő-Hanság Nemzeti
Park Igazgatósága

195 km (121 miles) W of Budapest.
£ from Sopron, Győr. @ from
Zalaergeszeg. n Rév-Kócsagvár,
Sarród (Park Admin istration), (099)
537 620. 8 7 http://www.ferto

Located in northwest Hungary
near the Austria-Hungary
border, the Fertő-Hanság
National Park, set around
Lake Fertő, was once one of
the most heavily guarded
sections of the Iron Curtain.
Now a designated nature
reserve, it is regarded as one
of Europe’s most signi ficant
water habitats and was
included on UNESCO’s list of
World Heritage Sites in 2001.
Lake Fertő is shallow –
in most places less than 1-m
(3-ft) deep – and is famous
for its vast expanse of tall
reeds. Its main sources of
water are rainfall and two
streams. More than 200
species of birds nest here,
including the Hungarian ibis,
spoonbill, heron and egret,
and there are also numerous
rare plant species.
With the eastern Alps as
its backdrop, the lake is
encircled by one of Europe’s
best cycle paths, which takes
in superb scenery in both
Hungary and Austria.
Favourable, frequent winds
also make the lake a popular
place for sailing, while the
shallow waters are regarded
as good swim ming spots.

The main resort on the
Hungarian side, Fertőrákos, is
popular both as a sailing spot
and for its grassy beaches and
attract ive nature walks.
Many parts of the park
can only be visited with a
special permit or on organ ized
guided tours. Information
about visits and tours is avail-
able from the park’s admin-
istration office in the small
village of Sarród, located
southwest of the park.

Sopron e

209 km (130 miles) W of Budapest.
* 56,000. £ from Győr, Vienna.
@ from Győr. ª n Tourinform,
Liszt Ferenc utca 1, (099) 517 560.
( Csarnok utca, daily. _ Early
Music Days (Jun), Sopron Festival
Weeks (Jun–Jul), Volt Pop Festival
(Jul), Sopron Jazz (Sep), Christmas
Market (Dec).

A border town of the
Pannonia province, Sopron
is regarded as one of
Hungary’s most attrac tive
towns. Its prox imity to Austria
is evident in the street signs
and shops with German-
speaking staff that dominate
the town. The coun try’s oldest
cultural centre, Sopron has
remains of Roman edifices,
and city walls as well as
grand medieval build ings,
includ ing both churches
and a synagogue. Among its

The Firewatch Tower, a striking
landmark in Sopron

other attractions are a
Pharmacy Museum and an
outstanding art collection.
The town is built around
the magnificent Belváros – the
Inner Town. Centred around
Fő tér, an impressive central
square that acts as a focal
point, Belváros contains most
of the town’s main sights.
Built between 1861 and 1864,
the former Ursuline Convent
houses a fine collection of
ecclesiastical art, owned and
managed by Sopron’s Catholic
Convent. Most of the items on
display date from the Baroque
period but there is also a
col lection from the early
1800s. Sopron’s largest
church, the Benedictine
Church, on Fő tér, was built
by Franciscan monks in 1280
and displays remnants of
medieval fres coes. It is also
known as the Goat Church, as
it is believed that a goatherd
financed it from the treasure
found by his flock. Opposite
the Benedictine Church,
the Storno House is a grand
house built in the 1400s,
which was home to King
Mátyás between 1482 and

  1. Originally a Renaissance
    building, it was remodelled
    in the Baroque style in 1720.
    It displays a collection of art
    and period furniture.
    Sopron also has a wealth of
    fine Art Nouveau architecture
    includ ing the Firewatch Tower,
    from where superb views
    unfold. In 1921, the towns-
    people voted to stay in
    Hungary, rather than join
    Austria and the Gate of
    Loyalty, at the foot of the
    tower, was added in 1928 to
    honour the result of that
    plebi scite. Also worth visiting
    is the medi eval Synagogue,
    one of the oldest in Europe,
    believed to have been built
    around 1300. Abandoned in
    1526, when the Jews were
    expelled from the town, many
    of its original fea tures remain
    intact, includ ing a replica of
    the Ark of the Covenant.

R Benedictine Church
Templom utca 1, Fő tér. Tel (099)
523 768. # 9am–5pm daily. & 7
P Firewatch Tower
Fő tér. # May–Aug: 10am–8pm
Tue–Sun; Apr, Sep–Oct: 10am–6pm
Tue–Sun. &
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