Eastern and Central Europe (Eyewitness Travel Guides)

(Ben Green) #1

Kőszeg r

219 km (136 miles) W of Budapest.

  • 12,000. £ from Szombathely.
    @ from Sopron. n Tourinform,
    Jurisics tér 7, (094) 563 120.

Nestled in lowland hills just
minutes from the Austrian
border, Kőszeg is a small, quiet
town. Spared during World
War II, it is regarded as one of
the prettiest towns in the
region. The town preserves
the memory of Captain Miklós
Jurisics, who led the
Hungarians against the
Turks. Its main
square, castle and
museum are named
after him. Jurisics
Castle is on the site
where Miklós
Jurisics and 450
soldiers held
Turkish forces at
bay for 25 days in
August 1532; the bells
of the town toll
every day at 11am
in his honour. A fire
destroyed parts of the castle
in 1777; however, the interior
arcades were built after the
blaze. The Castle Museum has
displays on the town’s history,
includ ing various depictions
of the siege. In the heart of
Kőszeg’s Old Town stands the
elegant Miklós Jurisics tér,
sur rounded by churches and
museums. The impressive
entrance to the square, the
Heroes’ Gate, was erected to

Heroes’ Gate in Miklós Jurisics Square, Kőszeg

Crest above the gate
to Jurisics Castle

the town in 1534. Patriarch
Tamás Nádasdy brought in
Italian architects to create a
genuine Renais sance master-
piece. This, with various
additions includ ing a palatial
interior, has remained intact to
the present day. Much of the
castle is devoted to the cap-
tivating Ferenc Nádasdy
Museum, which has exhi bi-
tions on the history of the
family and the town, regional
folk art and period furniture.
Highlights include two series
of frescoes: 17th-century works
showing the Hungarians in
battle with the Turks, and
scenes from the Old Testa ment
painted by artist István
Dorffmaister in 1769.
In 1961, the search for oil
led to the discovery of hot
springs in Sárvár. Since then
the devel opment of spas has
added to the town’s appeal as
a tourist des tination. The
famous Sárvár Spa and
Wellness Centre has grown to
become one of the largest and
most modern bath com plexes
in Hungary. It com prises
indoor and outdoor pools,
leisure and splash pools, a
sauna and a treatment centre
offering various therapies.
E Ferenc Nádasdy Museum
Várkerület 1. Tel (095) 320 158.
# 9am–5pm Tue–Sun. &
8 Hungarian only.
 Sárvár Spa and Wellness
Vadkert utca 1. Tel (095) 523 600.
# 8am–10pm daily. & 7

Sárvár t

212 km (132 miles) W of Budapest.
* 16,000. £ from Szombathely.
@ from Szombathely. n Tourinform,
Várkerület 33, (095) 520 178.

Located on the banks of the
Rába river, this town was
origin ally the site of Roman
and Celt fortifi-
cations. Sárvár,
(mud castle),
derives its name
from the castle of
mud that was built
here by the Magyars
in the 10th century.
The Sárvár Castle
that now attracts
visitors is, how-
ever, a distant rela-
tion to its muddy
ancestor, having
been built in the
16th century. Its
illustrious patrons
were the Nádasdy
family, who bought

Superb frescoes depicting battle
scenes, Sárvár Castle

commemorate the 400th
anniversary of the Turkish
siege. The Jurisics Museum
has a fine collection of mem-
orabilia belonging to the
artisans and tradesmen who
inhabited the town. Set in a
Baroque house on Jurisics
tér, the Golden Unicorn
Pharmaceutical Museum, con-
tains a superb late 18th-century
wooden apothecary counter
with old medicine bottles.
Nearby, the Gothic Church of
St James, completed in 1407,
but recon structed in the 18th
cen tury, has served
Jesuit, Protestant and
Roman Catholic con-
gregations. Inside, the
faded fres coes by an
unknown artist por-
traying the Magi
date from 1403. An
orig inal statue of
the Madonna from
the Gothic period is
also noteworthy. Built
between 1892 and
1894 to designs by
Austrian architect
Otto Kott, the fantas tical Neo-
Gothic Jesus’s Heart Church,
on Fő tér, is famous for its
stained-glass altar win dows
depict ing Sts Stephen, Imre
and Elizabeth.
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