Eastern and Central Europe (Eyewitness Travel Guides)

(Ben Green) #1

Slovenia’s most popular natural attraction, Postojna Caves
constitute the longest subterranean system in the country,
with over 20 km (12 miles) of chambers and tunnels.
They were formed by the seeping waters of the Pivka
river and its tributaries, which carved out several levels
of underground galleries over a period of roughly three
million years. The caves were first opened to visitors
in 1819, with Austrian Emperor Francis I as the guest
of honour. The site currently receives just under half a
million people a year, making it one of the most visited
natural attrac tions in Europe. Inside, magnificent forma-
tions of stalactites and stalagmites seem to stretch end-
lessly in all directions.

Postojna Caves 2

Postojnske jame


For hotels and restaurants in this region see pp446–7 and pp448–9

Visitors outside the main entrance
to Postojna Caves


. The Diamond
. White Passage
. Concert Hall

Tracks and Walkways
Guided tours, lasting 90 minutes, begin
with visitors riding an electric train into
the heart of the caves, before embarking
on a walking tour through a series of halls
encrusted with intricate rock formations.

Russian Bridge
Built by Russian prisoners during World
War I, the Russian Bridge leads to the
Macaroni Hall, which is covered with
stunning pure-white stalactites.

. The Diamond
This huge stalagmite, also called
“Brilliant”, on account of its
dazzling white surface and
peculiar shape, is one of the
highlights of the spectacular
Winter Chamber.

formed by con-
stantly drip ping
water, hang from
the ceiling of
the caves.
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