Eastern and Central Europe (Eyewitness Travel Guides)

(Ben Green) #1

. White Passage
One among a series of
chambers collectively known
as Beautiful Caves, the White
Passage is crammed with
impres sive stalag mites
and stalac tites.


53 km (33 miles) S of Ljubljana.
£ from Ljubljana. @ from
Ljubljana. n Jamska Cesta 9,
Postojna, (05) 720 1610. http://www.
tdpostojna.si. # July & Aug:
tours hourly 9am–6pm; May, Jun
& Sep: tours hourly 9am–5pm;
Apr & Oct: tours at 10am, noon,
2pm & 4pm; Jan–Mar, Nov–Dec:
tours at 10am, noon & 3pm.
& 8 0 - =

The Vivarium
The caves are the natural
habitat of this rare worm-
like amphibian, known as
the human fish. It can be
seen in the Vivarium,
where visitors can learn
about species of the
underground world.

. Concert Hall
Visitors finally emerge into the Concert Hall, a vast space
where orchestral performances are occasionally held,
before returning by train to the cave entrance.

Big Mountain
This 45-m (147-ft) high rocky
mound was created when
the ceiling collapsed.
Predjama Castle, built into a natural
rock arch on a hill slope

Predjama Castle 3
Predjamski grad

50 km (31 miles) S of Ljubljana.
@ from Ljubljana. # Jan–Mar,
Nov–Dec: 10am–4pm; Apr & Oct:
10am–5pm; May, Jun & Sep:
9am–6pm; Jul & Aug: 9am–7pm. &

There are few fortresses
more dramatically situated
than Predjama Castle, which
stands halfway up a hillside
at the mouth of a cave. The
site was fortified as early as
the 13th century. How ever,
most of what remains today
is the result of a 16th-century
reno vation by the then owner
Ivan Kobencl.
The castle museum has
several fascinating rooms
con taining period fur nishings
and weap onry. Several exhibits
recall its 15th-century owner
Erazem Lueger, a Robin
Hood figure who, according
to legend, was killed by a
cannon ball that hit the
castle. Inside the chapel is
a delicately carved Gothic
pietá dating from 1420.
Steep passageways
descend into the Cave below
the castle, an interesting,
atmo spheric underground
chamber that can be visited
only by guided tour.

T Cave
& 8 May–Sep: 11am, 1pm,
3pm & 5pm daily.
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