Belgium and Luxembourg (Eyewitness Travel Guides)

(WallPaper) #1


Cruise boats line up along the tree-lined banks of the River Meuse

Abbaye de

Maredsous r

Rue de Maredsous 11, Denée;
12 km (7 miles) NW of Dinant.
Road Map D3. Tel (082) 698211.

daily. 7 - = http://www.

A vast Neo-Gothic monastery
founded by the Benedictines
in 1872, Abbaye de Maredsous
is set in the tranquil Molignée
valley and built in austere grey
stone. The abbey offers insight
into the lives of the monks and
a chance to sample two of the
institution’s famous products –
a soft, orange-rind cheese and
the res pec ted abbey beer. The
grounds have gardens, a play-
ground and walks into the
surrounding countryside.

River Meuse t

Road Map D3. n La Compagnie
des Bateaux Touristes de la Meuse,
Rue Daoust 64, Dinant; (082)


Flowing north out of France,
River Meuse enters Belgium
via the Province of Namur,
coursing past Hastière and the
Château de Freÿr to Dinant
(see p205), and then on to
Namur (see pp202–203). Here,
it is joined by River Sambre
and heads east to Liège. The
prettiest part runs between

The soaring and polished chancel
of the Abbaye de Maredsous

Dinant and Namur and many
long-established boat cruises
offer trips along this stretch.
Fully-equipped sightseeing
boats make scheduled excur-
sions up and down the river.
The main departure points
are at Dinant and Namur. The
round-trip between the two
takes about 9 hours, but there
are numerous shorter trips to
points in between. It is neces-
sary, however, to check about
landing possibilities as most
boat trips do not stop at their
destination, but simply turn
round. Landscape, and the
pleasure of being on water,
are the main attractions. The
river banks are dotted with
rocky outcrops and ruined
castles. Points in between
include the pretty towns of
Profondeville and Wépion,
the most famous source of
strawberries in Belgium.
South of Dinant, the stretch
up to Hastière and Waulsort is
also rewarding and includes
the splendid castle at Freÿr.
The main season for river
trips runs between May and
September, with mid-July to
late August being busiest.

Château de Freÿr y

Domaine de Freÿr, Hastière; 5 km
(3 miles) S of Dinant. Road Map D3.
Tel (082) 222200. 4 # Jul–Aug:
Tue–Sun; Apr–Jun and Sep: Sat–Sun;
Oct–Mar: Sun. & 8

One of the most impressive
châteaux in Belgium stands
right beside the broad River

There is also a shop selling
regional produce at the
Centre d’Acceuil St-Joseph.

With Railbikes of the Molignée,
visitors can pedal along the
Molignée valley on a four-
person draisine (railbike),
on disused railway lines link-
ing Falaën, Maredsous and
Warnant. Falaën, set 4 km (3
miles) southeast of Maredsous,
has the ruins of a mighty 14th-
century castle, Château-Fort
de Montaigle, which was des-
troyed by the French in 1554.

Railbikes of the Molignée
Rue de la Molignée 116, Anhée.
Tel (082) 699079. # daily (Falaën);
Apr–Oct: Tue–Sun (Warnant). &
P Château-Fort de Montaigle
Rue du Marteau 10, Falaën.
Tel (082) 699585. # Jul–Aug: daily;
Apr–Jun and Sep–Oct: Sat and Sun.

For hotels and restaurants in this region see pp269–71 and pp296–7

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