The Globe and Mail - 22.02.2020

(Elle) #1

The Manitoba Legislative Assembly is accepting
applications for the position of Auditor General for the
Province of Manitoba.
The Auditor General is an independent, non-partisan officer
of the legislature who is required to conduct audits on
the accounts of the government and to express opinions,
provide advice and make recommendations in accordance
with the provisions ofTheAuditorGeneralAct. The Auditor
General must present an annual report to the Assembly and
may make special reports as allowed under the Act.

The Auditor General provides leadership and strategic
direction to a team of professional staff who are auditing
the accounts of the government, auditing the financial
statements of government organizations and conducting
value for money and special audits as deemed necessary.
The Auditor General is responsible for overseeing
accounting policies, strategic planning, development
and implementation of sound evaluation methodology,
standards of professional practice and training of staff.

As Auditor General, you will have proven leadership and
management experience at the senior executive level
in a complex and independent environment. You will
have extensive executive audit management experience,
in-depth experience with accounting practices and
audit standards, financial reporting standards, complex
information systems auditing, the theory and practice of
accountability in large public sector organizations and the
implementation of sound policies, programs and services
at a senior level. You will have proven consultation,
advisory, oral and written communication skills critical to
building relationships with a variety of stakeholders. You
will also have an understanding of provincial governments
and will be comfortable and confident dealing with public
and private sector officials and the media. You must have
a recognized professional accounting designation and be
a member in good standing in the applicable professional

This appointment is for a ten-year term and, upon review,
may be renewed for further terms of ten years each.

The successful candidate must be a Canadian citizen;
must be willing and able to travel and mustprovide a
satisfactory Criminal Record Registry check.

Human Resource Services
302-386 Broadway
Winnipeg MB, R3C 3R6
Phone: 204-945-7279
Fax: 204-948-3115
Email: [email protected]

Competition Number: 010420
Salary: Senior Officer 8 (SF8) $141,262 - $170,502
Closing Date: March 3, 2020

Employment Equity is a factor in selection. Applicants
are requested to indicate in their covering letter or
resumé if they are from any of the following groups:
women, Indigenous people, visible minorities and
persons with disabilities.

We thank all who apply and advise that only those
selected for further consideration will be contacted.
Your cover letter, resumé and/or application must
clearly indicate how you meet the qualifications.



n employee’s job title in-
forms those in and outside
of the organization of their
role and responsibilities. “People
make assumptions about your
knowledge, skills, abilities and
status based on those titles,” ex-
plains Glen Whyte, a professor of
organizational behaviour and HR
management at the Rotman
School of Management. “[Job ti-
tles] do have value in the market-
place for people.” But what hap-
pens when job titles are used by
employers as a talent attraction,
or retention, tactic? An appealing
job title becomes a bargaining
chip for companies that may not
have the funds to back up a lucra-
tive role. “One way to compensate
people, if you can’t pay them dol-
lars, is to compensate them
through some form of conferring
of status,” Prof. Whyte says.
This results in job title inflation

  • a manager becomes a director
    even if they have only a handful of
    direct reports. A director becomes
    a senior director when they ask
    for a promotion, but their em-
    ployer can only offer a bump in
    their title and not in their salary.
    The trend has been happening
    for decades, according to Prof.
    Whyte, but has become more
    commonplace in recent years. “I
    think it’s a phenomenon that is
    fairly general across industries,”

he says. “You see a lot of it in tech
and creative industries like mar-
keting and advertising.” Mike Fox,
a recruiter in tech for more than
two decades, has noticed a famil-
iar trend among his clients. “Earli-
er stage companies will get some
funding, but they don’t really
have a whole lot to dangle into the
marketplace in terms of interest
level for sophisticated candi-
dates,” he says. “So oftentimes,
they’ll dangle job titles like chief

financial officer and that leads to
Mr. Fox says he believes that
job title inflation can be harmful
for employees, organizations and
the job market at large. He likens
the trend to the inflation of grades
in high school for university ad-
mission. “To get into McGill, you
need a 94 per cent or something,”
Mr. Fox says. “When I was going to
school, nobody got 94 per cent.”
While an individual employee
may find it tempting to accept a
boost in job title, Mr. Fox warns of
the impact of an inflated role
when re-entering the job market.
“You’re setting a non-replicable
sense of entitlement to somebody
that’s not applicable to the mar-
ketplace at large,” he says. “By
calling a director of finance a CFO,
you’re not doing their career any
great favours.”
As BC Transit’s vice-president
of human resources, Greg Conner
acts as the gatekeeper to desirable
job titles. “From an HR perspec-
tive, we get a lot of pressure to in-

flate job titles,” Mr. Conner says.
“Director to executive director is
one that everyone wants.”
Mr. Conner says that inflated
job titles have a “domino effect”
on a company’s organizational
structure. A manager that has
been promoted to director, even
though they don’t have any man-
agers reporting to them, can in-
cite jealousy within other direc-
tors in the company. “It doesn’t
take long for other directors to
come to me and say ‘This isn’t
fair,’” he explains. “We get that a
lot.” The ripple effect can also run
downward as well as laterally. “So
I’ve made you a director – now
what about the staff that you have
beneath you?”
Mr. Conner says he believes
that job title inflation is largely a
result of younger employees ea-
ger to see a forward progression in
their careers. “It used to be that
for five years, you’d be satisfied
being a supervisor,” he says.
“Now, after six months, you want
to be a manager and then in an-

other year you want to be a direc-
Mr. Conner says he believes
that it’s the responsibility of a
company’s chief executive and
the HR department to keep job ti-
tles in check. So, instead of ap-
peasing to an eager employee’s
whims, Mr. Conner encourages
HR professionals to address the
requests directly. “Be clear and
transparent about why it’s not
possible,” he says. “Look at the or-
ganizational structure, the im-
pact of giving them that inflated
title and what it would do to ev-
erybody else.” Mr. Conner also
suggests using requests for inflat-
ed job titles to start a conversa-
tion about that employee’s career
path. “Someone in that situation
is interested in moving upward
and onward,” he says. “Ask what
roles they’re seeking and how you
can help get them into a better
role. It’s an opportunity to do
some development activities.”












nfluencers are a new job cate-
gory, spawned by the digital
world. So history doesn’t make
this a uniquely female or male
job, with wage disparities be-
tween the genders from the past.
Yet it’s another job where men
are paid more than women, ac-
cording to a recent study of Insta-
gram influencers from over 40
countries, pulling in 7 per cent
more than their female counter-
parts for promotions in posts.
Progress is slow. Patriarchal
thinking is entrenched.
Consultants Natacha Catalino
and Kirstan Marnane spent a dec-
ade working on McKinsey’s Re-
markable Women Program, de-
veloping promising female lead-
ers around the globe.
They say one of the overlooked
benefits of the program is that it
holds up a mirror to the organiza-
tion. And the result is not always
After interviewing 150 partici-
pants, they found women and
men experience work quite dif-
ferently – and it’s the system, not
the women, that needs fixing.
Most of the women said their or-
ganization defined leadership
clearly, but the benchmark was
the stereotypically masculine
Interestingly, some women
said their organization expressed
appreciation for other leadership
characteristics, such as listening
and collaboration, but in the end
promotions were on the basis of
the more traditional leadership
behaviours associated with men.
“These dynamics are problem-
atic for organizations, not just for
women. McKinsey research into
the leadership behaviours that
are most effective for addressing
future challenges concludes that
the traditional behaviours of con-
trol, corrective action and indi-
vidualistic decision making are
the least critical for future suc-
cess. Much more important are
intellectual stimulation (which

men and women apply in equal
measure), and five other traits
(inspiration, participative deci-
sion making, setting expecta-
tions and rewards, people devel-
opment and role modelling) ap-
plied more frequently by wom-
en,” they write on the McKinsey
They found women hesitant or
unwilling to share with employ-
ers the barriers they face at work,
wanting to avoid being character-
ized as weak or complainers.
Leaders must therefore listen
more closely to women and dem-
onstrate through their actions
they respect the feedback they

My pessimism leads me to not
expect much to change in the fu-
ture. But Melinda Gates is far
more optimistic. She argues in
Harvard Business Review that
gender equality is within reach:
“We’ve never had a chance like
this before.”
She lays out a three-pronged
program developed by Pivotal
Ventures, the investment and in-
cubation company she founded
in 2015, which tries to drive social
progress for women and families
in the United States:
Dismantle barriers: Its analy-
sis notes many people believe
gender inequalities in profession-
al advancement are a reflection of
women’s own choices – not evi-
dence of an unequal system. But
history demonstrates women’s
choices are often constrained by
their options. Her mother didn’t
go to college or have a career. She
did, in large measure because of
Title IX, the 1972 U.S. civil rights
legislation banning discrimina-
tion on the basis of sex by federal-
ly funded educational institu-

tions. Attacking those barriers
can include challenging stereo-
typical representations, ending
sexual harassment and discrimi-
nation in the workplace, and
helping employees manage their
work and caregiving responsibil-
Fast-track advancement: In-
stead of waiting for the most pow-
erful and influential industries to
overcome centuries of history on
their own, we must find ways to
fast-track women’s entry into and
advancement in key sectors. Us-
ing visibility and reach of the sec-
tor as gauges, she pinpoints six
priority areas: public office, tech,
academia, media, investing and
Amplify external pressure:
“Those of us eager to increase
women’s power and influence
can’t rely on other people’s sense
of ethics or self-interest. We need
to amplify the pressure they’re
feeling. Three constituencies –
shareholders, consumers and
employees – hold disproportion-
ate influence over institutions. By
mobilizing they can translate that
influence into targeted pressure,”
she says.
This can’t be left to just wom-
en. Inside and outside the work-
place, men have to join the strug-
gle for change. Far too often, ad-
vancement and equality of wom-
en have been seen by men as a
zero-sum game – and they lose.
But it’s our companies and our
society (and yes, our wives and
daughters) who benefit.
Gender consultant Avivah Wit-
tenberg-Cox, a Canadian working
in Britain, warns however against
calling men who help out “cham-
pions.” That’s embarrassing for
the men and for the women, re-
warding good male behaviour
with female admiration and ap-
“Rather than making male
support for gender balance the
exception, the goal is to make it
the norm,” she writes in Harvard
Business Review. And that will
only come by putting the focus
on how gender balance delivers
better performance and returns.
So listen. Rethink. Act.







the women, that needs
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