Elusive Victories_ The American Presidency at War-Oxford University Press (2012)

(Axel Boer) #1

436 index

Lindsay, Lawrence , 290
Lloyd George, David , 124 , 126 , 188
Lodge, Henry Cabot , 115 , 121 , 127–29 ,
132 , 188
Lodge Jr., Henry Cabot , 235
London. See Great Britain
Louisiana , 55 , 58 , 70–71
Ludendorff , Erich von , 108–10
Lusitania , 89

MacArthur, Douglas , 20 , 148 , 177–78 ,
180 , 193 , 210 , 220–21 , 225 , 299 ,
396 n 129 , 397 n 163
and Franklin Roosevelt , 148 ,
169–70 , 177–78
Machiavelli, Niccolo , 6
MacMillan, Margaret , 123 , 387 n 142 ,
388 n 173 , 388 n 175 , 389 n 179
Malaya , 143 , 148 , 159 , 170 , 180 , 186 , 193
Malaysia , 209
Maliki, Jawad al , 304 , 312 , 318–20 , 322 ,
Manchuria , 135 , 145 , 186 , 190
Manela, Erez , 383 n 56
Manhattan Project , 177 , 186
Mansfi eld, Mike , 211 , 215 , 401 n 12
Mansoor, Peter , 412 n 194
Mao Zedong , 226 , 402 n 24
March, Peyton , 106
Marion, Francis , 57–58
Mariana Islands , 177
Marshall Islands , 177
Marshall Jr., George C. , 150–51 , 154 ,
159 , 168–69 , 172–76 , 180 , 192 , 200
Marshall Plan , 188
Maryland , 36 , 49 , 75
McAdoo, George , 105
McCarthy, Eugene , 237 , 246
McClellan, George B. , 39 , 44–45 ,
49–50 , 55 , 225 , 343 , 375 n 41
McChrystal, Stanley , 330–332 , 335 , 338
McGovern, George , 264
McKiernan, David , 295–297 , 301 ,
330–31 , 333

McKinley, William , 4–5 , 14
McMaster, H. R. , 304 , 423 n 194
McNamara, Robert S. , 206 , 208 ,
214–16 , 222–26 , 230 , 233–34 , 238 ,
246 , 253 , 284 , 286 , 401 n 12 ,
406 n 85 , 407 n 90
Mills, Wilbur , 238
Military Assistance Command
Vietnam (MACV) , 207
McPherson, James , 23 , 32 , 36 , 43 ,
380 n 136
McPherson, James B. , 44
Meade, George , 50 , 56 , 376 n 66
Mediterranean, the , 159 , 170 , 173–76 ,
180 , 184 , 193–94 , 198 , 295 ,
393 n 78 , 398 n 177 , 398 n 185
Meuse-Argonne , 109
Mexican War , 13 , 73
Mexican-American War. See Mexican
Mexico , 54 , 73 , 92 , 100 , 102–3
Middle East , 24 , 274–75 , 280 , 288 ,
303 , 310–11 , 321–22 , 347 , 362 ,
372 n 43 , 388 n 166
in World War II , 143–144 , 170 , 172 ,
Midway, battle of , 176
Military Assistance Command
Vietnam (MACV) , 233 , 240–41 ,
245–46 , 259–61 , 408 n 113
Minh, Ho Chi. See Ho Chi Minh
Minh, Duong Van “Big” , 207
Mississippi , 49–50
Mississippi River , 46–47 , 50 , 54–55 , 70
Missouri , 37 , 47 , 58
Moltke, Helmuth von , 375 n 28
Montgomery, Alabama , 33
Morgenthau Jr., Henry , 136 , 141–42 ,
151 , 182 , 389 n 1
Morgenthau Plan , 182
Morocco , 174
Morton, Oliver P. , 64
Moscow , 145 , 170. See also Soviet
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