Elusive Victories_ The American Presidency at War-Oxford University Press (2012)

(Axel Boer) #1
index 437

Mubarak, Hosni , 322
Mullen, Mike , 330 , 339 , 425 n 22
Munich Pact, 1938 , 135 , 137–38 , 145 ,
150 , 154 , 209
Murtha, John , 311
Mussolini, Benito , 138–39 , 175
Myers, Richard , 305

Nagasaki , 186
Napoleonic Wars , 6 , 57 , 87
National Defense Act of 1916 , 93–94 ,
101 , 151
National Guard , 3 , 93–94 , 100 , 259 ,
National Labor Relations Board , 167
National Liberation Front (NLF) , 205 ,
231 , 249 , 265 , 268
National Resources Planning Board
(NRPB) , 165–66 , 349
National Security Act of 1948 , 16
National Security Council (NSC) , 16 ,
257 , 260 , 315
National War Labor Board (NWLB) ,
Nationalist China. See China
Navy, United States. See United States
Neely Jr., Mark E. , 65
Nelson, Donald M. , 161 , 394 n 98
Netherlands, the , 143 , 147
Netherlands East Indies , 143–44 ,
147–48 , 170 , 390 n 26
Nuclear weapons , 21 , 200 , 239 , 279 ,
402 n 23. ( See also atomic bomb )
Neoconservatives , 276–77 , 285
Neustadt, Richard , 10
Neutrality Act of 1937 , 139–40 , 142
Newbold, Gregory S. , 415 n 36
New Britain , 170
New Deal , 136 , 141 , 152 , 160 , 163–66 ,
181 , 197
New Dealers , 165–66 , 181 , 196–97 , 212 ,
248 , 349
New Guinea, Papua , 170 , 174 , 177

New Orleans , 55 , 70–71 , 310 , 349
New York City anti-draft riots , 61 ,
378 n 86
New York Times , 258
New Zealand , 144 , 171
Nimitz, Chester , 169 , 176–77
Nineteenth Amendment, passage of
the , 117
Nixon, Richard M. , 202–204 , 250 ,
259 , 271 , 326–27
and antiwar movement , 258–59 ,
263–64 , 346–47
and Congress , 253 , 263–64 , 270
frames war goals , 252–53 , 347
loses freedom of action , 254 , 264 , 272
and negotiations with North
Vietnam , 253–54 , 262 , 265–69 , 346
and peace building , 254 , 262–64 ,
271–72 , 348
and public opinion , 254 , 258–59 ,
263–64 , 266
as military commander in chief ,
203 , 254 , 257–62 , 343
pursues Vietnamization , 203 ,
253–55 , 257 , 259–63 , 267 , 336
regains limited discretion as
wartime leader on taking offi ce ,
203 , 252 , 272 , 353
and relations with South
Vietnamese government , 204 ,
267–70 , 346
and return of American prisoners of
war (POWs) , 265–66 , 270
and Watergate , 270
withdraws American troops over
time , 254 , 261
Nol, Lon , 258
Non-Aggression Pact (Germany and
Soviet Union) , 138
North Africa , 172–74 , 180 , 193–94 ,
197 , 228 , 396 n 137
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) , 16 , 188 , 229 , 328 , 330 ,
332–33 , 336–37 , 425 n 23
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