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It’s pretty much a given that thosewho take pride in their skin, andthe maintenance of it, will havecreams they love and maybe facialsthey rely on. But when, if ever, is theright time to try injectables? For me, itwas when my skin started to look dulland uneven. I’m particular about anddedicated to my creams, but I startedto feel the need to try something a littleextra to make me look, well, extra.Experts largely agree that the latetwenties/early thirties is the tippingpoint when you might want to startlooking into other options. “Everyoneis different but we usually recommendconsulting a good cosmetic doctor inyour late twenties,” says Dr Sebagh(, arguably the mostrecognisable name in the face-About changeThe latest creams offer a facial pick-me-upfor women of all ages, but is there a rightmoment to plump for injectables, too?Jessica Diner investigates``````preservation game. “We like to‘coach’ patients through theprocess to ensure that theylook their best for as long aspossible. It’s what I call ‘agemaintenance’,” he explains.Dr Dray ( agrees:“As you approach and enteryour thirties, this is whenyou will start noticing linesemerging and radiance fading.”He is someone I haveconsulted at various lifemilestones – it was Mesolift(antioxidant micro-injectionsin the surface of the skin) priorto my wedding, a touch ofBotox in my mid-thirties justbefore I started my job asVogue’s beauty director – buthis specialism lies beyond myage bracket. The 10-MinuteFacelift (hyaluronic injectionsthat lift the face from within)is his recommendation forthose in their forties. And inyour fifties and beyond, herecommends the ThreadliftTreatment, which involvesdissolvable threads thatnaturally lift the face, withoutthe need for surgery or generalanaesthetic. “These options are changingpeople’s attitudes towards cosmeticsurgery because you can have somethingcompletely transformational withouthaving to go under the knife.”If you’re stuck for where to start thenOlivia Falcon is easily the best decisionyou will ever make. A beauty directorwho specialises in all things cosmeticsurgery, she has set up a business – TheEditor’s List ( – aconsultancy to recommend the exactdoctor or dermatologist that’s right foryour stage in life. “People just wanthonest, impartial advice on what reallyworks and, equally importantly, whatdoesn’t,” Olivia tells me. “The ageingprocess happens to us all but in such anindividual way. The beauty of my serviceis in the details.” Q20s30sPRODUCTS FOREVERY AGE``````From top: ShiseidoClear Mega HydratingCream, £32. SisleyAnti-Aging HydrationBooster, £160.Elizabeth ArdenFlawless Future CapletSerum, £48. ElemisPro Collagen OvernightMatrix, £48. SarahChapman SkinesisPlatinum Stem CellElixir, £136. GuerlainAbeille Royale Cure,£120. Dr Sebagh Rosede Vie Serum, £129.Lancôme RénergieMulti-Glow, £6450+40sDIRECTOR’S CUTGIAMPAOLO SGURA/TRUNK ARCHIVE; PIXELATE.BIZ``````108

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