Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1

5 Building on generalisations

Example answer:

(a) In many countries, people tend to favour domestic products. Reasons for this preference
include familiarity, patriotism and the fact that such products are often designed with local
needs in mind. But with the growth of globalisation, domestic products are increasingly
challenged by imported rivals.

2.9 Passives

2 Structure

(a) The data were collected and the two groups (were) compared.
(b) 120 people from six similar businesses were interviewed.
(c) The results were checked and several errors (were) found.
(d) An analysis of the findings will be made.
(e) Four managers were asked to give their opinions.
(f) The report was written and 10 copies (were) distributed.

3 Using adverbs

Other adverb combinations possible:

(a) The company was profitably run by the Connors family until 2001.
(b) The reasons for the Asian currency crisis were vigorously debated (by economists).
(c) All students in the exam were helpfully provided with pencils.
(d) A presentation was vividly given by the staff of the advertising agency.
(e) The percentages were accurately calculated to three decimal places (by researchers).
(f) Their business was optimistically called the Grand Universal Trading Company.
(g) The life cycles of over 240 companies were carefully researched.

5 Practice B

Passive Active possible? Active
He was worn out Yes The effort... had worn him out
He was born No
John was concerned by Yes The situation of the poor concerned
a (.. .) shop which was called Yes which he called
the business was taken over Yes his wife took the business over
she was soon assisted Yes their 10-year-old son assisted her

The effect of using the passive throughout would be to make the tone very formal.

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