Science - USA (2020-05-22)

(Antfer) #1

cells may become important in situations of
transient and multiple interactions, where de-
livery might be less precise. SMAPs may have
other modes of action, potentially including
chemoattraction through C-C motif chemo-
kine ligand 5 (CCL5, or RANTES) and immune
modulation through interferon-g. The TSP1 C
terminus contains the binding site for the ubiq-
uitous“don’teatme”signal CD47 ( 32 ). SMAPs
may thus partner with macrophages to ensure
that any cell that cannot be killed by SMAPs is
culled by phagocytosis ( 33 ).


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We thank E. Kurz, S. Valvo, L. Chen, H. Rada, M. C. Spink,
M. P. Puissegur, M. Mixon, J. Love, and A. Sessions for important
contributions to this work. We thank B. Alarcon, C. Baldari, J. Rettig,

E. Abu Shah, G. Griffiths, and F. Bravo Lopes for advice.Funding:
Supported by the ERC AdG 670930 (M.L.D.); the Wellcome
Trust 100262 (M.L.D.); the Kennedy Trust (to M.L.D. and B.M.K.);
Versus Arthritis RACE 20298 (M.L.D.); the Laboratoire d’Excellence
Toulouse Cancer (TOUCAN) under contract ANR11-LABX and
Ligue Nationale contre le Cancer (Equipe labelisée 2018) (S.V.);
the Institute for Protein Innovation; and STFC and Wellcome for
support of Diamond Light Source Ltd.Author contributions:
S.B. and M.L.D. conceived of the study and designed experiments.
S.B. performed experiments and analyzed data. S.M. and S.V.
performed CTL clone experiments. R.F. and B.M.K. acquired and
analyzed MS data. M.H. acquired and analyzed CSXT data. S.B. and
M.L.D. wrote the manuscript.Competing interests:S.B. and M.L.D.
of the University of Oxford have filed UK Patent Application No.
2005892.1 on the isolation, engineering, and use of proteinaceous
particles (SMAPs) in treatments of cancer and other disorders.
Data and materials availability:All data are available in the
manuscript or the supplementary materials.

Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S20
References ( 34 – 42 )
MDAR Reproducibility Checklist
Movies S1 to S14
Data S1
View/request a protocol for this paper fromBio-protocol.

29 July 2019; resubmitted 28 January 2020
Accepted 9 April 2020
Published online 7 May 2020

Bálintet al.,Science 368 , 897–901 (2020) 22 May 2020 5of5


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