
(Joyce) #1



Targets Quads and hip flexors
Do 3 sets of 2-minute holds
A Start in a kneeling position and
place some yoga blocks behind
your back (under your bottom)
so your feet don’t dig in.
B Gradually lean back, supporting
yourself with your arms, until
your elbows are as close to
the floor as they can go.
C Resting on your elbows, your hands
relaxed by your feet, squeeze your
glutes to increase the stretch. As you
improve, work towards having your
lower back on the ground instead of
resting your body on the yoga blocks.

Wide-leg stand
Targets Thighs, groin, hips, glutes
and ankles, and is also a progression
for learning the box splits
Do 3 sets of 2-minute holds
For this exercise, at first either use
a mat for grip or try the exercise
while wearing your trainers.
A Take as wide a step as you can
and hold your body upright. Your feet
should face 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock
and be in an arched position.
B In the upright position, keep
your legs straight, focusing on
squeezing your bottom and thigh
muscles. Avoid leaning forward
or backward with your torso.
C You should be in a position where
you are able to hold the pose for the
full 2 minutes. If you find this too
difficult at first, bring your feet closer
together. Try going wider for
a more challenging version.

Targets Calves and Achilles
Do 3 sets of 2-minute holds
A Place the balls of your feet on a block
and keep your heels on the floor. Push
the backs of your knees behind you to
keep your legs straight and thighs tight.
B Lean your hips forward so that
your upper body is bent at a 90°
angle and your hands are resting on
a yoga block. You’re working towards
getting your hips over your heels.
C As you improve, reduce the height
of the block you’re resting your hands
on and continue to lower your chest
to the floor. Aim to eventually have
your hands on the floor.

Double chair
Targets Lower back,
hamstrings and glutes
Do 3 sets for 2 minutes
A Work on an elevated, even surface
using two chairs, or use two yoga
blocks – you should have two blocks
under your feet and two under your
bottom. You need just enough space
to get your arms under your knees.
B Bend your legs to help get your
arms underneath and work on
pressing your legs straight over time.
C The goal is to be able to get your
legs straight. To do this, either press
the backs of your knees towards the
floor or squeeze your thigh muscles.
Add more height under your bottom
to make the stretch easier, working
towards an even surface over time.
To make the exercise more advanced,
work towards taking your elbows
underneath your shins.

Chair Lunge
Targets Hip flexors and quads
Do 3 sets for 2 minutes
A Find a safe, knee-height object to
place your back foot on (this can be
a sturdy cabinet or the edge of the sofa).
Position a block on top of it to stop your
foot digging in. Place your back foot on
it and take a big step forward with the
front foot, going into a lunge position.

B Place your hands on your hips
for balance and keep your torso
upright, while taking your knee
as low as you can go.
C As you improve, increase the
height of the surface so that the
working back knee becomes further
away from the ground, meaning you
go deeper into the stretch with the
back thigh. Repeat with the other foot.
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