WebUser 01 May 2019

(Brent) #1

Your Top Tips

Our pickof the best advice fromour

readers. Please send questions and answers

to [email protected]

68 1 - 14 May 2019


Replace Disk Cleanup
For years, I used
the Disk Cleanup
tool to clear out
junk andrecover
disk space in
Windows, but
Microsoft no
longer supports
it. Instead you
have to go to
the Settings app
and click
by Storage. In
the list of items
in drive C:, click
‘Temporary files’
to see all sorts
of temporary files that can be cleared,
with options similarto those in the old
Disk Cleanuptool. Items can be selected
with tick boxes and clicking ‘Remove
files’ declutters the drive.
Peter Davis, via email

Web Usersays: If you preferred the
Windows tool, there’s a free program
called Cleanmgr+ (bit.ly/clnm474) that
recreates what it did.Wehad aworkshop
on thistool last issue (bit.ly/webuser473).

The websitethat does
PineTo ols (pinetools.com) is an
incrediblewebsite with just aboutevery
web tool you’veever needed, includinga
timer, image editor, file splitter, list sorter
and more calculators thanyou can shake
a stickat. Have a look around.Whenever
I needto do something onmy computer,
I alwayscheck it out – it’s saved me using
Google more than once.
Dan Halliday, via email

Translatedocuments with
Word Online
Many of usexpect peopleto understand
English but it’s boundto impress
someone ifyou tryto speak their
language. Use the freeWord Onlineweb
app (bit.ly/word4 74 ): select theReview
tab and clickTranslate on the rightto
open a panel whereyou can selecttext

and translate it into a number of other
languages.The Translator panel is live:
click the Selection tab and select some
text inyour letter or documentto see the
translated text on the right. Itworks the
otherwayround,too, so ifyou geta
document or email in aforeign language
you can selecttext to instantly see it in
English. Double-click aword in a
documentto see theforeign language
version and a dictionary definition.
Brian Bishop, via email

Record calls with Audacity
If your messaging app doesn’t letyou
record calls, use audio editorAudacity
(www.audacityteam.org). Right-click the
speaker icon in the notification area,
select Sounds and goto theRecording
tab. EnableStereo Mix – ifyou don’t see
it, you may needto install additional
drivers or right-click the boxto Show
Disabled Devices. OpenAudacity and,
in the drop-down menu under the
microphone’srecording-level slider,
change the default MMEto Windows
WASAPI. You’re all set! Press theRecord
button, then make a call usingyour
chosen app and, once it’s over, select File,


Here’s a time-saving tip: whenyou
clickWindows 10’sStart menuto open
a program, it normally closes as soon
as you makeyour selection. Ifyou want
to launch multiple programs,you have
to clickStartevery timeyou want to
open another one. Instead, open the
Start menu, then press and hold the
Windows key. Asyou open each
program, never letting go of the
Windows key, theStart menuremains
open as the programs launch behind it.
Gavin Cooper, via email

Force the Start menu to stay open


Keep the Start menu open after you
launc h an ap p, so you can open another


Use the Word appto tr ansl ate text to and
from English

Audacity is able to record calls on any
messenger app

Discover the ultimate web toolbox

Go to Storage in the
Settings app to clear
junk files
Free download pdf