Nature - USA (2020-08-20)

(Antfer) #1

Extended Data Fig. 1 | Clinical correlates. a, Summary of the characteristics
of the cohort. Sx, symptoms. b, Age distribution for all men (n = 83) and women
(n = 66) in the cohort. P = 0.2074. c, Duration of symptoms in days for all men
(n = 83) and women (n = 66) in the cohort. P = 0.8704. d, Time between symptom
onset and plasma collection for all men (n = 83) and women (n = 66) in the
cohort. P = 0.5514. e, Subjective symptom severity on a scale of 0–10 for all men
(n = 83) and women (n = 66) in the cohort. P = 0.1888. f, Age distribution for all
cases (n = 111) and contacts (n = 38) in the cohort. P = 0.0305. g, Duration of
symptoms in days for all cases (n = 111) and contacts (n = 38) in the cohort.
P = 0.1241. h, Time between symptom onset and plasma collection in days for all
cases (n = 111) and contacts (n = 38) in the cohort. P = 0.1589. i, Symptom

severity for all cases (n = 111) and contacts (n = 38) in the cohort. P = 0.0550.
j, Age distribution for all outpatient (n = 138) and hospitalized (n = 1 1)
participants. P = 0.0024. k, Duration of symptoms in days for all outpatient
(n = 138) and hospitalized (n = 11) participants in the cohort. P < 0.0001. l, Time
between symptom onset and plasma collection in days for all outpatient
(n = 138) and hospitalized (n = 11) participants in the cohort. P = 0.0001.
m, Symptom severity for all outpatient (n = 138) and hospitalized (n = 1 1)
participants in the cohort. P < 0.0001. Horizontal bars indicate median values.
Statistical significance was determined using two-tailed Mann–Whitney
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