Extended Data Fig. 5 | Clinical correlates of neutralization. a, Normalized
AUC for anti-RBD IgM plotted against NT 50. r = 0.3119, P = 0.0001. b, Normalized
AUC for anti-S IgM plotted against NT 50. r = 0.3211, P < 0.0001. c, Duration of
symptoms in days plotted against NT 50. r = 0.1997, P = 0.0146. d, Time between
symptom onset and plasma collection in days plotted against NT 50. r = −0.1344,
P = 0.1033. e, Symptom severity plotted against NT 50. r = 0.2234, P = 0.0062.
f, Age plotted against NT 50. r = 0.3005, P = 0.0002. All correlations were
analysed by two-tailed Spearman’s tests; n = 149. The dotted line (NT 50 = 5)
represents the lower limit of detection of the pseudovirus neutralization assay.
Samples with neutralizing titres below 1:50 were plotted at the lower limit of