HealthyFoodGuidemagazineis published
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Editor Melanie Leyshon 020 7803 4106
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Senior sub editor Stephanie Thomson
020 7803 4128
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Editorial assistant Niamh Leonard-Bedwell
020 7803 4128
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Nutrition editor Amanda Ursell
Recipe consultant Phil Mundy
With thanks to Becky Brannigan, Diana Galligan
Head of digital Vic Grimshaw 020 7803 4143
[email protected]
Digital editor Rebecca Brett 020 7803 4130
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and lifestyle changes brings the best long-term gains.
This is how we help you move to a healthier way of life...
We look at the science behind the
headlines to clear up mixed messages
about current health issues. Our experts
examine the body of evidence, never just
one isolated study, before presenting
information as fact. You’ll find the references
to our news and features on p96.
We promote a balanced way of eating
Our dietitians and nutritionists are fully
qualified and can help you break free from
yo-yo dieting. Our recipes come in
satisfying portion sizes, use everyday
ingredients and are well balanced. Our
experts never recommend cutting out
key food groups unless you have an
intolerance or allergy.
We fight the fads We keep up to date
with new products (and share our top picks
every month) but will never recommend an
ingredient or food just because it’s ‘trending’.
Guidetorecipesymbols& nutritionanalysis
SeventhEdition, butmay
1tbspis 15mland1tsp
is 5ml.OForgluten-free
if youavoidanimalrennet.
meansa recipecanbe
frozenforupto3 months.
Thawandreheatit until
vegetarian gluten free
dairy free suitable for freezing vegan
450kcal or less for
a main course; 300kcal
or less for breakfast; and
150kcal or less for a starter,
snack, drink or dessert
3g fat or less
per 100g
1.5g saturates
or less per 100g
0.3g salt or less
per 100g
At least 6g fibre
per 100g or
3g fibre per 100kcal
At least 20% of
the calories come
from protein
At least 30% of the
RDA per serving
At least 30% of the
RDA per serving
The number of
portions of fruit and/
orvegcontained in a serving
5g total sugars
or less per 100g
Find hundreds more recipes on our website, Did you know
you can order your shopping straight from the website? Just choose your recipes, then at
the bottom of the ingredients list pick your favoured retailer and click on ‘add to
shopping list’. The ingredients will automatically go into your shopping basket
(you can edit it if you already have any items). Prefer to shop in store?
You can create a shopping list to print out and take with you – or have it emailed.
All our recipes are tested by recipe consultant
Phil Mundy in our test kitchen. Created to guidelines
set out by the NHS Eatwell Guide, they all come with
nutrition analysis and symbols (see below).