Encyclopedia of the Renaissance and the Reformation

(Bozica Vekic) #1
CChhrroonnoollooggyy 5 52211

Secular Events Religion Rulers Sciences Arts and Literature

1462 Castilians capture
Gibraltar from Arabs

1463 Turks overrun

1466 Peace of Torun

1471 Portuguese capture

1472 Portuguese reach
Fernando Po

1476 Swiss defeat
Burgundians at Morat

1478 Pazzi conspiracy
against the Medici
1479 Union of Aragon
and Castile

1485 Matthias Corvinus
takes Vienna from
Frederick III
1487 Diaz rounds Cape
of Good Hope

1489 Cyprus ceded to

1491 Treaty of Pressburg
recognizes Hapsburg
rights to Bohemia and
1492 Conquest of
Granada completes
Reconquista; Jews
expelled from Spain;

1464 Paul II pope

1471 Sixtus IV pope;
death of Thomas à

1478 Start of Spanish

1484 Innocent VIII pope

1492 Alexander VI pope

IV king of England

1467 Charles the Bold
duke of Burgundy
1469 Marriage of Isabella
of Castile and Ferdinand
II of Aragon; Lorenzo the
Magnificent head of the
Florentine republic

1471 Ercole I d’Este
created first duke of
1474 Isabella queen of
Castile (→1504);
Federico Il da
Montefeltro created first
duke of Urbino

1477 Maximilian, heir to
Emperor Frederick III,
marries Mary of

1479 Ferdinand II king of
Aragon (→1516)

1483 Richard III king of
England (→1485);
Charles VIII king of
France (→1498)
1485 Henry VII, first
tudor king of England

1488 James IV king of
Scotland (→1513)

1462 Death of Henry the

1464 Regiomontanus’s
De triangulis, first
modern book on
trigonometry, published

1476 Caxton printing at

1491 Froben printing at

c. 1475 Van der Goes’s
Portinari altarpiece

1478 Pulci’s II Morgante

1479 Verrocchio at work
on Colleoni statue

c. 1480 Botticelli’s
Primavera painted
1483 First two books of
Boiardo’s Orlando
innamorato published

1485 Alberti’s De re
aedificatoria published




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