Encyclopedia of the Renaissance and the Reformation

(Bozica Vekic) #1
552222 CChhrroonnoollooggyy

Columbus lands in New

1494 Charles VIII of
France invades Italy;
Medici expelled from
Florence; Treaty of
1495 Holy League
against the French

1497 Cabots reach Nova
Scotia; Jews expelled
from Portugal
1498 Vasco da Gama
reaches India

1499 Peace of Basle
effectively ensures Swiss
independence; Louis XII
occupies Milan; Morisco
revolt in Andalusia

1500 Treaty of Granada
agrees French/Spanish
partition of Italy; Cabral
discovers Brazil

1501 Basle joins Swiss

1504 France cedes
Naples to Spain under
treaty of Lyons
1505 Portuguese reach
Sri Lanka

1508 League of Cambrai
against Venice

1509 Venice defeated at
Agnadello; Spaniards
conquer Oran

1510 Portuguese capture

Secular Events Religion Rulers Sciences Arts and Literature

1498 Savonarola burned

1503 Pius III pope; Julius
II pope

1507 Indulgence for
building of St. Peter’s

1493 Maximilian I
becomes emperor

1495 Charles VIII of
France crowned king of
Naples; Manuel I king of
Portugal (→1521)
1496 Philip the
Handsome, heir to
Emperor Maximilian I,
marries Joanna, heiress of

1498 Louis XII king of
France (→1515)

1501 Cesare Borgia
created duke of Romagna

1503 Alfonso d’Este duke
of Ferrara (→1534)

1507 Margaret of Austria
regent of Netherlands
1508 Francesco Maria I
first della Rovere duke of
1509 Henry VIII king of
England (→1547); Philip
II the Magnanimous land-
grave of Hesse (→1567)

1493 Nuremberg
Chronicle published

1495 Leonardo at work
on his Last Supper

1498 Dürer’s Apocalypse
1499 Hypnerotomachia
Polifili and Rojas’ La
Celestina published;
Michelangelo’s first Pietá
(St. Peter’s, Rome)

1500 Erasmus’s Adagia

1502 Bramante’s
Tempietto at San Pietro in
Montorio, Rome;
Pinturicchio at work on
fresco cycle in the
Piccolomini library, Siena

1504 Michelangelo’s

1506 Bramante
commissioned to build
new St. Peter’s, Rome;
Leonardo’s Mona Lisa

1508 Michelangelo
begins work on Sistine
Chapel ceiling
1509 Raphael begins
work on the Stanze della
Segnatura frescoes

1511 Erasmus’s Encom-
ium Moriae published



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