homework encyclopedia

(Bozica Vekic) #1
Elmina Castle, Ghana 394
embryos 120, 148, 149, 211
Emerald Isle 250
Empire 422–23, 429, 434, 437
Empire State Building, New York 329
endangered species 124 , 125
endocrine system 129
energy 166
electricity 182
electromagnetic radiation 159, 168, 178
food chains 81
fossil fuels 60
heat 168–69
nuclear 61, 167
photosynthesis 89
quanta 159
renewable energy 61
sound 176–77
engineering 203 , 328, 418
engines 176–77, 198–99, 200, 418
England 59, 250 , 251 , 306
architecture 192, 306, 390
history 360, 384, 389, 404, 406, 418, 436–37
monarchy 296, 361, 404, 406
English Civil War 406, 437
Enlightenment 416
environment 64–65, 248, 254, 266, 316
enzymes 144, 145 , 208
Epic of Gilgamesh 343
epidermis 133
epiglottis 136, 142
epiphytes 95
equations 155, 163
Equator 221, 243
Equatorial Guinea 242
Eros 23
erosion 55 , 58, 59, 64
Estonia 247, 258, 259
estuaries 57
ethics 293
Ethiopia 239, 241, 242, 243
ethnicity 305
Europa 19
Europe 215, 246–47
British Isles 246, 250–51, 383, 384
central 254–55
eastern 258–59
medieval 390–91
megalithic 366
nationalism 421
prehistoric 366
Scandinavia 248–49
southeast 256–57
western 252–53
European Union (EU) 254, 314, 434, 437
Everglades, Florida 226
evolution 74–75
exoskeletons 102, 107
exosphere 49
Europeans 395, 400–1, 402, 409, 417,
422, 425
Mediterranean seafarers 374
Muslims 387
Vikings 388
extinction 124
extraterrestrial life 22
extravehicular activity (EVA) 31 , 32, 33
extreme sports 353
eyes 99, 140–41, 148, 179, 181

factories 64, 187, 314, 418
faeces 145, 146
Fahrenheit scale 169
families 300–1
famine 243, 315, 437
farce 345
farming 64, 66 , 67
agricultural revolution 412
Andes 234

Asia 270, 378
Australasia 275
early farming 364–65
Europe 247, 251, 252, 253, 257, 258, 259, 390
organic 66, 207
plantations 204, 413
fascism 431
fats 145, 150
favelas 236
feathers 118, 119 , 363, 408
femur 130, 131, 151
fermentation 208
ferns 90
Fertile Crescent 364, 365
fertilization 93, 148
fetishes 283
feudalism 390
Fez, Morocco 241
fibroblast cells 128
filter-feeding 98
filtration 173
fingernails 133
Finland 247, 248–49
first scripts 369
fish 70, 82, 96, 97, 102, 112–13
fishing 67 , 224, 241, 252, 267
fission 167
fjords 59, 249, 275
flags 216 , 434
Africa 241, 242, 245
America 225, 231, 235, 237
Asia 263, 267, 269, 271
Australasia 273, 275
Europe 249, 251, 253, 255, 257, 259
Middle East 265
Oceania 273
flamenco 247, 336, 337
flamingos 83
Fleming, Sir Alexander 208
flies 99, 110
flint-knapping 363 , 365
floating 164
flooding 51, 266
Florence, Italy 399
Florida, USA 226, 324
flowering plants 71, 72, 92–93, 254, 256
flux 174
foetus 129, 148
folk tales 340
food see digestion; nutrition
food chains 40, 81
food pyramid 150
food webs 81
football 237, 352, 353, 354 , 355
Forbidden City 393
forces 26, 163, 164 , 165, 170, 182–83, 196
Ford, Henry 205
forestry 67
forests 62, 63, 67, 83 , 84
Formula One 352
fossil fuels 60
fossils 38, 74, 76
Foster, Norman 328
Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire 404
France 246, 252, 253
architecture 246, 385
history 406, 415 , 416, 423, 436, 437
prehistory 362, 363, 366
Franco, Francisco 431
Frank, Anne 342
Franklin, Rosalind 209
Frayn, Michael 345
free will 293
freight 201
French Guiana 233, 234, 235
French Revolution 415 , 416
friction 165 , 182, 196
frogs 82, 100, 101, 114–15, 176
fruit 93 , 150
fuel 60
fuel consumption 199
fulcrum 196
fungi 71, 81, 86 , 87, 171
fusion 24, 167

Gagarin, Yuri 10, 31, 263
Gainsborough, Thomas 321
galaxies 13, 27
Galilei, Galileo 10, 11
gall bladder 144, 146
galleries 324
Gallipoli 426
gamelan orchestra 335
games 350 , 351
see also sports
gamma rays 193
Gandhi, Mohandas K 430
Ganges River, India 266
Ganymede 19
Garibaldi, Giuseppe 421
gas exchange 137
gases 60, 156, 169, 172, 173, 243
gauchos 236, 420
gears 197
geese 97, 118
gemstones 47 , 162, 234, 244
gender 305 , 317, 427, 437
generators 186, 187
genes 73 , 148, 151, 210, 295
genetic diseases 151, 209
genetic engineering 210–11
genetics 209
Genghis Khan 392
genome 209
genres 341 , 347
geology 33, 38 , 167
geometry 155
geothermal power 61, 249
Germany 246, 254, 306, 406, 421, 430
Berlin 255, 294, 328
Nazis 431, 432–33
germination 93
germs 150, 151
gestation 120
geysers 156, 275
Giant’s Causeway, N. Ireland 47
Giganotosaurus 78–79
gills 112
glaciers 55, 57, 58
Glasgow, Scotland 419
glass 170, 178, 179
global protest 316
global warming 63, 65
globalization 295, 296, 314–15
glucose 89
glue 171
GM (genetically modified) food 210 , 316
goats 84, 365
Gobi Desert 269
God 280 , 287, 288
gold 47, 157, 160, 161, 173, 224, 233, 244, 309, 411
Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco 50
Golden Temple, Amritsar 291
golf 352
Goodall, Jane 72
gorillas 120, 122, 242
Gozzoli, Benozzo 398
gramophones 351
Grand Canyon, Arizona 229
Grant, Ulysses S 424
graphite 162
grasses 83, 92, 364
grasshoppers 108, 176
grasslands 63, 66, 83
Graves, Michael 326
gravity 10, 14, 17, 24, 26, 30, 164 , 165
Great Barrier Reef 220, 275
Great Britain 42, 250–51, 422, 437
Great Exhibition, London 418
Great Lakes 223, 227
Great Plains 222, 408
Great Red Spot 19
Great Rift Valley 243
Great Wall of China 268
Greece 246, 247, 257, 421
see also Ancient Greece

Green Revolution 210
Greenhouse Effect 65
Greenland 42, 215, 223, 224 , 225 , 388
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 220
Grenada 223
growth 130, 149
GRP (glass-reinforced plastic) 170
Guadeloupe 231
Guggenheim Museum, Spain 253
guillemots 118
guitars 334
Gulf Region 264, 265
Gulf Stream 40
gurus 291
Gutenberg, Johann 339, 399
Guyana 233, 234, 235
gymnastics 165, 357

habitats 82–84, 124, 125
Habsburg dynasty 385, 406, 410
haiku 340, 343
hail 53
hair 133, 149
Hajj 290
Halley’s comet 22
Halpern, Deborah 323
Hammurabi, King 372
hamsters 73, 120
Hancock, John 414
hard disks 190
Hare Krishnas 286
Harun al-Rashid 386
Harvey, William 411
Hawaii 44, 45, 80, 432
health 150
hearing 141 , 176
heart 132, 134, 135 , 136, 185
heart disease 149, 150, 151
heartbeat 135 , 149
heat 168–69, 170, 171, 198
Hebrews 373
helium 159, 160, 161, 167
Hemingway, Ernest 348
hemispherium 202
Henningsen, Paul 327
Henry the Navigator 401
Henry VIII 361, 404, 437
Hepworth, Barbara 324
herbivores 98 , 120
heredity 148
heroes 342
herons 80
Herschel, William 11, 20
hertz (Hz) 176
hi-fi 351
hibernation 111, 121
hieroglyphs 339, 369, 371, 381
Himalayas 45, 260, 266
Hinduism 266, 280, 281, 282, 286
gods and goddesses 286, 293, 342, 379
literature 293, 340, 342, 379
society 296, 300, 304
Hiroshima 433
history 296, 360–61
Africa 394–95, 422, 434
Americas 380–81, 400–3, 405, 408–9, 413–14,
417, 420, 424, 430
ancient civilizations 368–77, 382–83
Asia 368, 378–79, 392–93, 397, 407, 410, 422,
Australasia 396, 425
Europe 366, 382–91, 397–99, 404, 406, 410–12,
415–16, 418–19, 421, 422–23, 430–32
Middle East 364–65, 368, 369, 372–73, 435
prehistory 362–67
Russia 410, 428
World Wars 426–27, 432–33
Hitchcock, Alfred 346
Hitler, Adolf 431, 432
Hittities 372

440 Index

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