[Footnote 1: See author's Boy Life, in Massachusetts Country Town Forty Years
Ago. Pedagogical Seminary, June, 1906, vol. 13, pp. 192-207.]
[Footnote 2: Those interested in school statistics may value the record kept by a
Swabian schoolmaster named Hauberle, extending over fifty-one years and
seven months' experience as a teacher, as follows: 911,527 blows with a cane;
124,010 with a rod; 20,939 with a ruler; 136,715 with the hand; 19,295 over the
mouth; 7,905 boxes on the ear; 1,115,800 snaps on the head; 22,763 nota benes
with Bible, catechism, hymnbook and grammar; 777 times boys had to kneel on
peas; 613 times on triangular blocks of wand; 5,001 had to carry a timber mare;
and, 7,701 hold the rod high; the last two being punishments of his own
invention. Of the blows with the cane 800,000 were for Latin vowels, and
76,000 of those with the rod for Bible verses and hymns. He used a scolding
vocabulary of over 3,000 terms, of which one-third were of his own invention.]
[Footnote 3: For most recent and elaborate study of children's lies see Zeitschrift
für pädagogische Psychologie, Pathologie und Hygiene, Juli, 1905. Jahrgang 7,
Heft 3, pp. 177-205.]