Youth_ Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene - G. Stanley Hall

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1


AGAMIC. Unmarried; unmarriageable, sometimes non-sexed.

AGENIC. Lacking in reproductive power; sterile.

AMPHIMIXIS. That form of reproduction which involves the mingling of
substance from two individuals so as to effect a mixture of hereditary
characteristics. It includes the phenomena of conjugation and fertilization among
both unicellular and multicellular organisms.


ANAMNESIC. Pertaining to or aiding recollection.

ANEMIC. Deficient in blood; bloodless.

ANTHROPOMORPHISM. The attributing of human characteristics to natural,
supernatural, or divine beings.

ANTHROPOMETRY. Science of measurement of the human body.

ARTIFACT. Any artificial product.

APHASIA. Impairment or lose of the ability to understand or use speech.

ASSOCIATIONISM. The psychological theory which regards the laws of
association as the fundamental laws of mental action and development.

ATAVISTIC. Pertaining to reversion through the influence of heredity to remote
ancestral characteristics.

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