Malay Magic _ Being an introduction to the - Walter William Skeat

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

[cxxiv] Invocation to the Spirits, asking them to point out Rocks, etc. [p. 280.

Stand facing the bows, and say: —

Hei saudara aku,    Uri Buni    Tentoban,
Aku ’nak b’layer ka Pulau Pinang,
Ampang larang aku ta’ tahu,
Tunggul batang aku ta’ tahu
Tukun^119 pulau aku ta’ tahu,
Angkau yang tahu.
Inilah b’ras sa-genggam buni, d.s.b.

Charms and Ceremonies used to propitiate the Sea Spirits

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