
(coco) #1

2019 Annual Report (^71)

  • Used this platform to provide holistic
    training and certification for key software
    roles such as software development
    managers, software engineers, system
    engineers, and product management

  • Had more than 9,000 employees pass the
    required certification in 2019.

● Trustworthy processes

  • The key to a trustworthy process lies in
    preventing implantation, tampering, and
    backdoors throughout a repeatable and
    traceable process.

  • In 2019, we preliminarily built
    trustworthiness into the whole process from
    requirement definition, coding, and build, to
    testing, release, and deployment.

  • A total of 62 business domains and
    product lines have participated in this

● Code refactoring

  • We created a team culture that is conducive
    to clean code and continuous refactoring,
    optimized the product architecture based
    on trustworthy results, and refactored
    legacy code under this architecture, thereby
    cleaning the code.

● Trustworthy results

The key to achieving trustworthy results
is ensuring both security and resilience,
systematically resolving issues on the
architecture side, and making steady and
gradual progress.

  • In 2019, we completed threat analysis,
    defined what a trustworthy product is, and
    set external certification goals for all our
    products. All of this informed our software
    architecture improvement.

  • Our MA5800 has passed the tier 4
    certification of the National Institute
    of Standards and Technology (NIST)’s
    Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), Euler OS
    of CC EAL4+ certification, and HongMeng
    Kernel of CC EAL5+ certification.

■ Transformation in the Carrier Business
In this area, we implemented user-oriented and
experience-driven digital transformation, and
achieved quick product iteration.

● Internally, we:

  • Transitioned the role of pre-sales tools from
    imposing control to supporting operations,
    and enabled them to support all major
    operating scenarios;

  • Extended the coverage of sales project tools
    to all scenarios, supporting online project
    operations throughout the entire process;

  • Gradually refined the online bidding and
    contracting workspace and supported
    standardized and coordinated reviews for
    typical scenarios;

  • Made the Three Cloud the company’s major
    digital marketing and sales platform for
    customer engagement;

  • Fostered a habit of acquiring data and
    managing everyday work using smartphones
    among managers, taking us close to hitting
    our target of no offline reports.

● Externally, we:

  • Embedded the Integrated Service
    Delivery Platform (ISDP) into customers’
    production processes, allowing for multiple
    parties to manage delivery projects in a
    well-coordinated manner;

  • Kept transaction information structured,
    improved the transaction efficiency of both
    the buyer and seller, and continuously
    improved customer loyalty.

■ Transformation in the Enterprise Business
In this area, we:

● Built a secure, compliant, and efficient digital
operation platform, along with identity, policy,
business performance, and incentivization
centers that target partners such as
governments and enterprises, with a focus on
supporting operations and business continuity.
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