Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1
d6 Standing
Revolutionary. Your work has upended scholarly con­
sensus and reshaped the way other academics think
about your field. Each new discovery you make is re­
ceived with acclaim.
2 Respected. Your work is considered noteworthy,
though not revolutionary. Scholars in your field fo llow
your writing and efforts with interest.
3 Anonymous. Try as you might, you can't earn positive
or negative attention. Even worse, after you've pub­
lished your findings, more prominent scholars have
made similar statements to much acclaim.
4 Misguided. Your theories challenge scholarly consen­
sus and are discounted. A prominent scholar argues
against your conclusions, and their voice carries the
day ... for now.
5 Fringe. You work on the edges of your field, advocat·
ing bizarre theories that challenge scholarly consen­
sus and seem patently outrageous, even scandalous.
6 Fraud. For right or wrong, many in the academic com­
munity believe you have invented at least some of
your "findings" to earn attention.

With a university as your patron, you are part of a
sprawling bureaucracy-maybe deep in the tangles of it
or, more likely, lingering at the edges. Wherever you sit
in the network of colleges, administrators, and faculty,
a single person serves as your primary point of contact,
someone who has a significant impact on the nature of
your relationship with the university. Reference the Uni­
versity Contact table to help determine who manages
the relationship between you and the university.

d8 Contact
An overworked department head who doesn't quite
know what to make of you but gives you work to keep
you busy
2 A career bureaucrat who insists you file paperwork in
multiple offices in order to get anything done
3 A junior professor who might be more interested in
selling plundered artifacts than in actual research
4 A department secretary who thinks you're a great deal
more interesting than any of the regular faculty
5 An erudite dean who believes you have tremendous
potential and urges you on to greater endeavors
6 An energetic librarian or museum curator who ad­
dresses every question, assignment, or acquisition
with disproportionate enthusiasm
7 A tired senior professor whose only joy in academia is
seeing what you bring back from your adventures
8 An eager researcher who wants to come with you on
every adventure because second-hand reports are al­
ways incomplete and unsatisfying


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In response to last week's exclusive report detailing a
scheme to remove precious antiquities from storage at
Morgrave University and sell them on the black market,
Master Larrian ir'Morgrave has issued a statement full of
the usual platitudes and empty promises we have grown
accustomed to hearing from the Office of the University
Master. In it, ir'Morgrave vows to put an end to the crim­
inal activities occurring within the university and bolster
the school's academic reputation. As regular readers of
this paper know, he makes such promises frequently, but
we have yet to see him take any substantive action to
back up his promises.

Numerous universities exist across Khorvaire. Mor­
grave University is the one most often connected to ad­
venturous exploits, but the following institutes number
among Khorvaire's other prominent academic bodies:
Arcanix. Housed in elegant towers that float above
southern Aundair, Arcanix is a place of arcane learn­
ing, where the next generation of spellcasters studies
the intricacies of magic. The mentors at Arcanix com­
prise the Arcane Congress, a council of spellcasters
who explore the limits of the arcane arts under a man­
date instituted by King Galifar I.
Rekkenmark. The Military Academy of Rekkenmark
has trained Galifar officers for hundreds of years and
continues to excel as the premier combat training
facility in all of Khorvaire. Nobles from every nation
used to send their children to Rekkenmark for at least
part of their education, but the Last War put an end to
that practice. Now that the war is over, the academy
hopes to welcome students from other nations once
again, but so far only a handful of students from out­
side Galifar have come to Rekkenmark.
Library ofKorranberg. Zilargo's Library of Korran­
berg is the greatest repository of general knowledge
in Khorvaire. More than just a library, it hosts eight
attached colleges dedicated to different fields of study,
drawing gentry from across Khorvaire who come to
study there. In addition to serving as a resource for
scholars and explorers, the library often funds expedi­
tions to study ancient cultures or unexplored lands.

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