Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1


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CoS1110lo9� of Iberron


Eberron is part of the Great Wheel of the multiverse, as
described in the Player's Handbook and the Dungeon
Master's Guide. At the same time, it is fundamentally
apart from the rest of the Great Wheel, sealed off
from the other planes even while it's encircled by its
own wheeling cosmology. Eberron's unique station in
the multiverse is an important aspect of the world: its
planes have profound and shifting influences on the
Material Plane, and it is sheltered from the influences
and machinations of gods and other powers elsewhere
on the Great Wheel.
The planet of Eberron is the heart of its own Material
Plane. It is surrounded by the Ring of Siberys. Beyond
this band of dragonshards, thirteen moons orbit the
world. To date, no creature from Eberron has explored
the moons, and none can say whether they are lifeless
rocks or thriving worlds. Some sages believe that the
moons are connected to the planes, or that they might
even be physical extensions of the planes, but the truth
of these assertions remains unknown.


Planes of Existence

No other planets have been discovered within Eber­
ron's Material Plane. The underworld of Khyber, how­
ever, contains a host of demiplanes, tiny pockets of
altered reality. As such, venturing beneath the surface
of Eberron can lead you to a network of caverns and
passages, and if you find the right passage, it can take
you to fantastic and deadly places inhabited by fiends,
aberrations, and other children of Khyber.

The Material Plane is enfolded by thirteen planes of
existence. Many of these have aspects of both Outer
Planes and Inner Planes. All of them overlap with Eber­
ron in some way, and they influence and are influenced
by the Material Plane. The intensity of this influence
waxes and wanes; scholars often depict the planes as
orbiting Eberron-sometimes coming close, other times
far away-though this manner of expression is merely
a metaphor for their shifting influence. When another
plane's influence on the Material Plane is especially
strong, the plane is said to be coterminous. When its
influence is weak, a plane is remote. The state of a plane
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