Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1
can be important for performing epic rituals, creating of
eldritch machines, or interacting with extraplanar enti­
ties. Whether or not a plane is remote or coterminous at
a given time depends entirely on the needs of your story.

At certain places in the Material Plane, the barriers
between worlds are thin, and some characteristics of
another plane can bleed through into the material world.
These places are called manifest zones, and the nature
of each one is strongly shaped by the plane it connects
to. The city of Sham is located in a manifest zone linked
to Syrania that keeps its towers reaching toward the sky
and aids flight. Ghosts might linger in a manifest zone
associated with Dolurrh, while a manifest zone tied
to Lamannia might have wild vegetation and enhance
druidic magic. A manifest zone might include a portal
that allows free passage from either plane to the other.
The descriptions of other planes in this section offer
some other possible effects. Most manifest zones have
reliable, persistent effects. Some have only weak con­
nections to their planes, and their properties influence
the world only when the plane is coterminous.

Each of the thirteen planes in Eberron's cosmology is
briefly described below, both in general terms as well as
by the effects that occur or appear on the Material Plane
in manifest zones linked to that plane.

Daanvi embodies absolute order, along with the ideals
of law and discipline and their impact on civilization.
The perfectly ordered, immaculate districts of the plane
represent different aspects of law: precisely maintained
fields, legalistic tribunals, and hordes of modrons com­
piling archives of every rule or regulation ever created.
Some districts are governed by a justice system based
in goodness, where laws help to maintain harmony. In
more oppressive locations, harsh laws are imposed on
the suffering populace by tyrannical devils.

d4 Feature
People who live in the manifest zone are inclined to
follow duly enacted regulations without question, re­
gardless of moral implications.
2 Creatures can't tell deliberate lies while in the area.
3 Flora and fauna are preternaturally orderly and ho­
mogeneous. Trees here grow in neat rows without
needing to be tended, rocks are situated in geometric
patterns, and identical cattle graze in unison.
4 A contingent of modrons is methodically deconstruct­
ing and reorganizing the zone, heedless of their effect
on the other inhabitants.

Mortal creatures come into contact with Dal Quor when
they dream (except for elves, kalashtar, and warforged,
which don't dream). The outer fringes of the plane are

shaped by the memories and experiences of dreamers.
The dark core at the heart of the plane is shaped by the
nightmare force known as the Dreaming Dark. The
primary inhabitants of Dal Quor are the quori, enig­
matic master manipulators that can inhabit the dreams
of others.
Tens of thousands of years ago, the quori fought a
bitter war with the giants of Xen'drik. The giants ended
the war by severing the connection between Dal Quor
and Eberron and disrupting the cycle of the planes. As a
result, Dal Quor is always remote in relation to the Ma­
terial Plane, and no manifest zones are tied to Dal Quor.
The only way to reach Dal Quor from the Material Plane
is through the psychic projection of dreaming, and the
quori are forced to possess mortal hosts to work their
will on Eberron.

When a mortal soul dies, it is drawn to Dolurrh, a place
defined by despair and apathy. Over time, memories
are leached out of these trapped spirits until only husks
remain. Although this seems a bleak fate, most religions
maintain that Dolurrh isn't the end of a soul's journey;
it is a gateway to whatever lies beyond. They assert that
what appears to be dissolution is the natural process
of the soul moving to a higher plane of existence that
mortals can never realize: joining with the Sovereigns,
merging with the Silver Flame, or simply rejoining the
cycle of life in a new form. That claim notwithstanding,
Dolurrh is a gloomy plane filled with the lingering traces
of the dead.

d4 Feature
Bodies buried here reanimate in ld4 days, possessed
by restless spirits. These spirits might be malevolent
or benign.
2 Any necromancy spell of 1st level or higher cast
within the zone is treated as if it were cast at a level
one higher than the spell slot that was expended.


Spells and abilities that raise the dead have a SO per­
cent chance to bring back ld4 angry spirits as well.
These might be banshees, ghosts, shadows, specters,
wraiths, or other incorporeal undead.
In order to cast a spell of 1st level or higher in the
zone, the caster must succeed on a Constitution
check with a DC equal to 10 +the level of the spell.
On a failed check, the spell is not cast and its spell
slot is not expended, but the action is lost.

This plane encompasses both the raw elemental power
of fire and its versatility: flame used as a weapon, as a
force that holds darkness. at bay, or as a destroyer and
a force for change. Femia is home to all manner of fire
elementals and to celestials and fiends that embrace the
same ideals. Efreeti pashas and fiendish satraps rule
city-islands of obsidian that drift atop seas of magma,
their minions producing metalcraft of surpassing beauty
and quality.

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