Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1


d4 Feature
Spells that deal fire damage are empowered here.
Such a spell oflst level or higher cast within the
zone deals fire damage as if it were cast at a level one
higher than the spell slot that was expended.
2 Weapons and armor with unusual abilities can be
forged here, though their enchantments are not
always stable.
3 The area is dotted with pools of molten earth and
fissures of scalding water, from which mephits and
elementals emerge with regularity.
4 Motes of continual flame are spontaneously generated
in this region, typically attached to some vegetation
or minerals from the area. These flames persist even
if they are removed from the region.

Irian is the plane of light and hope, the wellspring of
positive energy which is the foundation of light, life, and
love. The regions of Irian reflect the idea of beginnings
and of resurgent life: fertile lands untouched by any tool,
glittering crystal forests, and thriving homesteads and
communities. Angels dwell in a grand city reflecting the
first days of a glorious empire. The sun never sets here.
Positive energy flows into Eberron from Irian, and
the denizens of Irian believe that the simple fact of their
existence helps the mortals of the Material Plane. The
celestials of Irian are also those most likely to respond
to planar ally and similar spells.

d4 Feature
The waters of a spring hold curative powers-curing
disease, healing wounds, even restoring lost senses.
2 Clusters of radiant crystals sprout from the earth. A
spell oflst level or higher cast within 30 feet of these
crystals, if it restores hit points or deals radiant dam­
age, is treated as if it were cast at a level one higher
than the spell slot that was expended.
3 A maple tree with translucent, violet-hued bark and
shimmering leaves grows in the heart of a swamp.
Creatures that live near it age very slowly.
4 Undead within the zone have disadvantage on attack
rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.

The plane of chaos and change, Kythri is a realm in con­
stant flux. The elements collide in fantastic explosions
of unbridled power, motes of earth careen erratically
through space as gravity constantly shifts, and a riot of
colors blazes through the ever-shifting sky. Still, stoic
githzerai monks exert their will over the elements,
crafting monasteries on islands of earth amid the chaos.
Several varieties of slaadi dwell here as well, exulting in
the endless turmoil.


d4 Feature




The earth here is highly changeable and unstable. A
creature that succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom (Nature)
check as an action can alter a 20-by-20-foot square of
terrain in some way. For example, they might choose
to turn the earth to mud, cause stony spikes to erupt
from the soil, or warp local plant life. Failing the check
causes random, uncontrolled effects.
Fabulous formations of precariously balancing rocks
dot these badlands. They randomly collapse, only to
slowly reassemble over the course of days.
Packs of slaadi erupt from inside a local cave net­
works at random intervals, terrorizing travelers.
Any spell that deals acid, cold, fire, force, lightning,
or thunder damage cast within the zone instead deals
one of those damage types determined at random.

Though it is referred to as a forest, Lamannia contains
every possible natural environment. It is home to great
beasts, lycanthropes, and other beings that reflect the
power of nature. The splendor of nature in this place is
intoxicating to druids. Animals born here are paragons
of their species, infused with primal power that put even
the finest specimens of House Vadalis to shame.

d4 Feature
Spells that summon elementals are empowered here.
Such a spell of 1st level or higher cast within the zone
is treated as if it were cast at a level one higher than
the spell slot that was expended.
2 The forces of nature work to tear down anything built
within the zone. Weather, vegetation, and a rapid rate
of decay combine to quickly destroy structures built in
the region and overgrow the ruins.
3 The zone is dominated by towering trees and thick
undergrowth. Animals come from the surrounding
area to live in the zone, where they grow larger and
stronger than usual for their species.
4 What appears to be a circle of stones is in truth a
group of slumbering earth elementals that came from
Lamannia during its most recent coterminous period.

Mabar is the darkness that promises to swallow even
the brightest day, the hungry shadow that yearns to
consume light and life. It is the plane of entropy, hunger,
and loss, slowly sucking the life from the multiverse. It
is the source of negative energy in Eberron. Most un­
dead are animated by the power of Mahar, and the life
they drain from mortals flows into the Endless Night.
Mahar is made up of many fragments, each one rep­
resenting a different vision of desolation. The fiends of
Mahar scheme to steal fragments of other planes and
draw them down into their eternal darkness, creating a
jumble of broken worlds in varying states of decay.
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